Bettas are one of the most popular fish species. Most people consider them relatively active, but this isn’t always true. There are situations when a betta may lie on the bottom of the tank. Sometimes, it may simply be resting, but if it’s doing this for long periods, there may be a more concerning explanation. Let’s take a look at why a Betta fish may be on the bottom of the tank.
Your Betta Fish Could Be Resting
The least concerning reason why a betta fish may lie on the bottom of the tank is because it’s resting. Some bettas have bigger fins, so it’s physically exhausting for them to swim too much. They may stop for a couple of hours because they want to conserve energy. This is more common with halfmoon bettas. Older fish may also slow down because they’re no longer as energetic. Owners need to be aware of their bettas’ regular behavior, so they can recognize signs of disease.
If your fish suddenly starts acting strange, there may be an underlying problem that needs your attention. Check for any physical symptoms, as well as behavioral changes, such as lethargy. Fish shouldn’t rest for too long, and they should usually be active during feeding times. However, if your water parameters are balanced, and your fish show no signs of illness, resting could be the most likely explanation for bottom-dwelling.
Poor Water Quality Could Cause Stress
Imbalanced water parameters are another common reason why betta fish may sink to the bottom of the tank. This is concerning because poor water quality can have serious health implications. Usually, it’s because there’s too much ammonia in the water and it poisons the fish. It may even have fatal consequences if the owner doesn’t quickly deal with it. There should be zero levels of ammonia, nitrites, and minimum nitrates in your fish tank’s water.
Poor water chemistry is one of the main reasons why first-time aquarium owners lose their fish. They don’t realize that a failure to manage the correct water parameters can seriously impact marine life. Bettas need pH levels of under 7.0. It’s also important for carers to note that they’re a tropical species. Room temperature water may not be warm enough for them because they prefer 78-80° F. You must have a fully cycled and heated aquarium for these freshwater fish to thrive.
The Aquarium Could Be Too Small
Here’s another reason why a betta fish may sink to the bottom of an aquarium: the tank itself is the wrong size. If it’s too small, they won’t have ample space to swim comfortably. The good news is that betta fish don’t require large tanks. The minimum size is five gallons, but we strongly advise ten or even twenty gallons if possible. A larger size is necessary if you plan to keep a multi-species aquarium.
First-time aquarium owners may impulsively betta fish without proper research. They may put the betta in a tiny one-gallon tank or fishbowl, which isn’t large enough for their needs. Some aquarists even make the mistake of using unconditioned tap water for their aquariums. It’s crucial to understand your pets’ needs so you can care for them properly.
Stress Could Cause Behavioral Changes in Fish
Stress is another common factor that can cause betta fish to show lethargic behavior and sink to the bottom of their tank. Stress can arise for several reasons. For instance, many fish suffer stress when moved into a new aquarium. It may cause imbalances and trigger health issues. Still, don’t worry too much if a new betta acts strangely for the first few days. They should settle and stabilize relatively quickly. If they don’t, check your tank’s water parameters, and even quarantine them from other fish if you suspect disease.
Fluctuations in water temperature and quality can also cause stress, although it may not immediately trigger health problems. Fish are more susceptible to dormant issues when they are enduring stress. Marine ich is one of the most notorious stress-related conditions, but there are many more.
Their tankmates can also cause problems. If a betta fish lives in an overcrowded aquarium or the other fish are aggressive, they may exhibit strange behavior.
Health Conditions Could Cause a Sinking Betta Fish
Bettas can suffer from several health problems that may trigger symptoms, like lethargy and problems swimming. Here are some common diseases and issues that could cause a betta fish to rest at the tank’s bottom:
Fin Rot: A Bacterial Infection
Fin rot is a typical sign of poor water quality. The betta will exhibit ragged fins, which may impact its ability to swim. They may also lose their appetite and suffer severe fatigue.
Dropsy: Fluid Buildup Inside the Fish’s Body
Parasites usually trigger this awful disease. It causes severe body swelling and usually occurs after feeding fish contaminated live food. Treatments are available, but it’s crucial to act quickly to save a sick fish.
Swim Bladder Disease: A Result of Overfeeding
This is another illness that often causes fish to float on their sides and have difficulty swimming. Overfeeding is one of the most common causes Fasting is one of the most effective ways to correct this condition.