Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?

If you’re wondering why your cat is sleeping on you, you’re not alone. Here’s all you need to know about this common cat behavior.

Jul 29, 2024byMelissa Branthaver

why does my cat sleep on me


With cats snoozing up to 18 hours a day, you can pretty much find them sleeping anywhere at any time of the day. Sometimes, especially in the middle of the night, that includes on you.


On your face, chest, or feet – it doesn’t matter. You’re trapped until your cat finds their next position. Why is that? Of all the places in your home, why does my cat choose to sleep on me?


There’s actually a reason behind this behavior!


Common Reasons Your Cat Sleeps on You

cat sleeping back
Photo by Pixabay


Marking their Territory

You know how cats will sometimes pee to mark their territory? They’re actually doing the same when they are sleeping on you. Thankfully, it’s just a lot less messy!


When your cat sleeps on you, they are spreading their scent all over you and your bed. Their bodies are filled with scent glands and pheromones that can rub off on contact. If another cat or animal would enter the room, they would know that someone else has claimed the spot – and the human. 


You’re part of their pack now, and you have the scent markers to prove it now – even if you can’t smell them yourself!


cat sleeping comfortable
Sleeping cat, photo by Pixabay



If your cat is cold, they may want to sleep on you to get warm. It’s similar to how you may notice them moving throughout the day to lay in sunspots or next to the vent when the heat is on. Cats are seeking the best heat source – and sometimes that may be you!


Your body radiates heat. Places like your head, chest, stomach, and feet are often hot spots. Your cats can soak up your body heat. The constant contact with the heat source allows them to maintain their stable body temperature and catch a deeper sleep. 


If they start to get too hot, they may reposition themselves and come back when they need to warm up again. They can’t chase the sun at night!


cat streched out
Photo by Dương Nhân



Sometimes your cat just wants to be close to you, and sleeping on top of you is about as close as they can get! This is a great way for cats to bond with you. If you have multiple cats, you may see them sleeping on top of each other. This is an expression of their affection for one another.


The same goes for cats and their owners. When your cat is sleeping on top of you, this is their way of saying how much they love you. Even if they may not be the most affectionate during the day, at night, when their guards are down, they want to be near you.


cat sleeping in arms
Photo by Sornbhakkanut Boonprasop



If your cat is new to your family or you’ve recently relocated to a new home, your cat sleeping on top of you may be a way that they are trying to be safe. They know that you will protect them if anything happens, so they are trying to stay as close to you as possible.


It doesn’t always mean that something is wrong, so make sure to pay attention to their behaviors. If your cat is feeling unsettled, you will likely notice them acting out in other ways. 


Ultimately, when they sleep on top of you, they are trusting you to take care of them, and that’s a good thing they feel you are a safe place.


Cats Sleeping on Specific Body Parts

cat paw out sleeping
Photo by Francesco Ungaro


If your cat curls up on you in the same place every night, that also may be meaningful. Here are four common cuddling positions.



Your head is not only incredibly warm, but also very stable. If your cat doesn’t want to be jostled in the middle of the night, they may sleep on your head. An added bonus is that it often smells nice – and like you, which can be incredibly comforting for your cat. 


cat sleeping chair
Photo by Bekir Donmez



Some cats find comfort in the sounds of your heartbeat and breathing. Perhaps it reminds them of their mothers or litter, when they are all curled up around each other. This sound is incredibly soothing and can help cats sleep peacefully.



Whether you’re curled on your side or sleeping on your back, sometimes your cat wants to sleep on your lap. This is another incredibly warm spot. It is also a prime location to get some extra pets in the middle of the night, so it’s a win-win.


two cats sleeping
Photo by Francesco Ungaro



Another place where your cat may curl up at night is on your feet. Similar to sleeping in your lap, cats who sleep on or near your feet are often looking for scritches in the middle of the night in addition to seeking warmth. 


So, Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me?

cat sleeping bed
Photo by Anete Lusina


There are several different reasons that your cat may be sleeping on you. They could be seeking warmth, comfort, marking their territory, or looking to express their affection. 


Your cat can tell you a lot with their behavior, so make sure to keep an eye on them. If anything changes in their sleeping patterns or behaviors, make sure to get them checked out by a vet.


Otherwise, enjoy the closeness of your kitty any way you can!  The added touch releases hormones that help you feel happier, just by existing in the same place! 


Melissa Branthaver
byMelissa Branthaver

Melissa is a dog mom of two - Fitzwilliam (4, Yorkshire Terrier) and Bingley (3, Newfiedoodle). She’s a long-time dog sister, auntie, and general dog enthusiast who prefers dogs to people. When she’s not giving them all the pets and snuggles, you can find Melissa chasing her toddler around, spending time with her husband, or crafting with her Cricut while listening to audiobooks.