Why Do Dogs Howl in Their Sleep?

Dogs howl in their sleep in the same way that some humans talk in their sleep. It’s usually not a problem unless it disrupts the dog’s natural sleep cycle.

Sep 16, 2024byDonna Hobson

why do dogs howl to communicate


Have you ever been woken up to the sound of your dog howling in its sleep? If so, you’re probably wondering why dogs do this.


Dogs experience sleep cycles in a surprisingly similar way to humans; what they dream is likely to be a replay of events that occurred during the day. Thanks to their ancestral wolf DNA, howling is a common communication method for dogs throughout waking and sleep time.


Dogs Howl to Communicate 

dog howl labrador
Credit: Image by Alexas_Fotos at Pixabay


Like barking, a dog’s howl is a form of communication that often indicates loneliness or injury. Dogs may also howl to establish their territory or engage in long-distance communication; it is a behavioral trait that dogs carry in their DNA.


Wolves howl to gather pack members and create a sense of belonging within their group. Domestication may have changed the vocal communication in today’s dogs, but a howl can still be instinctively triggered by several stimuli, including sirens or another dog’s howl.


If the howl isn’t constant, this is normal behavior for dogs –– especially for Siberian Huskies and Alaskan Malamutes. 


Dogs Howl in Their Sleep While Dreaming 

dog sleep dream
Credit: Image by vivros62 from Pixabay


Dogs howl in their sleep for the same reasons that people talk in their sleep – they are trying to communicate. The chances are that your dog is completely unaware that he is howling.


There are several other behaviors that you may see a dog engage in while they’re sleeping, such as their legs moving backward and forward, indicating that they’re chasing something in their dream. These involuntary movements are known as myoclonus and are a shared experience between dogs and humans.


When your dog howls during sleep, they may be recalling something that happened during the day. If you think back, you may realize there was a time when they howled during the day too. Some studies suggest that dogs dream to help increase their waking memories.


Puppies are likely to vocalize in their sleep far more than adult dogs. Howling or whimpering is particularly common, especially if they have recently separated from their mother or littermates. You can help combat this by ensuring your dog feels safe and comfortable when you put them to bed.


A Sleeping, Howling Dog Usually Isn’t a Problem 

dog howl moon night
Credit: Image by lizzyliz at Pixabay


In most cases, a dog howling when asleep is entirely normal, but there are some instances when you should pay extra attention to your canine and possibly seek advice from a veterinarian.


Howling during sleep can indicate seizures and other common health concerns in dogs. The best way to differentiate a dream from a seizure is to pay attention to your dog’s twitching; a low level of twitchiness is normal, while any intense or violent movements could indicate something more sinister.


In addition, seizures often occur shortly after falling asleep or just before waking up, whereas dreaming happens during REM sleep (occurring about 15-20 minutes after they go to sleep). If your dog’s twitches seem violent or uncontrolled, if they last longer than 30 seconds, or if your dog seems disoriented when they wake up, consult with your vet as soon as possible.


Another possibility is that your dog is in pain; however, if this is the case, they will howl when awake. If you notice your dog howling more than usual when awake, ask your vet about their behavior and vocalize your concerns. 


Do Dogs and Humans Share Sleep Cycles?

dog sleep toy nap
Credit: Image by StockSnap at Pixabay


Dogs need far more sleep than humans, with most healthy canines sleeping between 12 and 14 hours per day. Despite this, their sleep cycles are remarkably similar to ours, with two primary cycles: SWS (slow-wave sleep) and REM (rapid eye movement).


Dreams generally occur in the REM phase, which can last for 30 to 45 minutes, and it is during this time you are most likely to hear your dog engage in vocalizations such as howling or crying. At this time, the brain is highly engaged and sends signals to all parts of your canine’s body


Several signs alert you to the fact that your dog is dreaming. These include the eyes darting behind the eyelids, face or muscle twitching, and vocalizations.


What Do Dogs Dream About?

dog dream fantasy
Credit: Image by 0fjd125gk87 at Pixabay


It’s hard to know exactly what dogs dream about, as current technology only allows us to record the different types of brainwaves transmitted during sleep. We can see when a dog dreams but not what they are dreaming.


But based on everything we know and understand about animals, scientists can draw reasonable conclusions: your dog likely dreams about the events of the day. And they may not have the creative capacity to invent new dream or nightmare sequences.


If you watch your dog closely, you may see them replicate some of their behaviors during the day.




Donna Hobson
byDonna Hobson

Donna believes that keeping a pet is the key to a happy life. Over the years, many creatures have passed through her home - Sooty the cat, Millie the rabbit, Stuart (Little) the guinea pig, and Trixie the tortoise, alongside her pet goldfish, Zippy, who lived to the grand old age of 24 years! She currently resides with her black kitten Jinx and an aquarium full of fish and snails to entrance them both. When she is not looking after her pets, Donna enjoys researching and writing the answers to all your pet-related wonders.