You make a beautiful bed with comfy blankets for your cat to sleep in. You may think it’s cat heaven but then you find them sleeping in an open drawer, on the stairs, or on top of a bookshelf instead. There is no end to the weird places cats can sleep.
But why do they do this and is there a way for you to create a comfy sleeping area they’ll actually use? As often with cats, it all comes down to their instincts. Let’s take a closer look.
Instincts and Territory
Cats are instinctively wary creatures. They may be incredible hunters, but they can also be prey to the likes of eagles, foxes, wolves, and pythons. This means they will want to find a safe space to sleep, especially if they’re in an unfamiliar environment.
Even though a domestic cat has no risk when in your home, their instincts remain deeply ingrained. This is why you may find them in a hidden spot such as a closet, under a bed, or inside a box. This is especially true for kittens who are still trying to work out the world around them.
This hiding can also be caused by anxiety, such as if their environment has been changed with a new home, for example. Another negative sleeping spot to look out for is the litter box, as this can commonly be due to urinary or constipation issues.
They are also territorial creatures. The spot they pick may be a signal to other animals that the area belongs to them and no one else, not even humans. While some may claim this is them saying they’re in charge, it may actually be about wanting your scent and warmth for comfort.
Temperature and Texture
Cats are sensitive to temperature changes. In the colder months, they may look for warmth, and vice versa. This is why you may find them sleeping on windowsills on a warm day or on a random spot on the ground if it’s getting plenty of sunlight.
Without the sun’s warmth, this may also be why you may find them in a laundry basket or snoozing on your laptop. In the summer, they may want to find more shaded areas or enjoy sleeping on cool tiles. However, the natural body temperature of cats is about 2/3 degrees higher than humans, so they often seek out warmth.
Another consideration for cats is texture and this can be individual preferences. Some may prefer soft surfaces such as blankets, whereas others may prefer hard areas such as a windowsill. If you have two or more cats, this is one of many reasons they may like sleeping in different spots.
Curiosity and Playfulness
Added to the mystery of sleeping is that cats are notoriously curious. Sometimes they’ll choose a new spot just out of curiosity. This could be a new cardboard box or a drawer that isn’t usually open.
They love exploring and will take an interest in anything new. At times, it also seems as if they want to explore weird places just because they can. Squeezing into a tiny box? Why not! Cats can sleep anywhere and often do so because it’s new and different.
It’s for these reasons why you mostly shouldn’t worry about cats sleeping in weird places. Knowing the exact reason can be impossible as it could be a mix of reasons or simply as they are being playful.
Survival and Solitude
This links in with their instincts but cats will always have survival on the brain. While some may hide away for safety, others may do it just for some peace and quiet. For example, if there are young children in the home that often bother them, they may find a spot where they know they’ll be undisturbed.
And while some may hide for safety, others may find high spots for the same reason. This gives them a high vantage point. This allows them to survey their area and keep an eye out for potential threats.
Some cats also seemingly like high spots as climbing is a natural instinct and allows them to observe. Just like a lion looking over a savannah, sometimes cats want to maintain control over their territory, and sleeping in high places allows them to do that.
Bonding and Social Connection
While cats have strong natural instincts, they also have great memories. If they have been in the same household for a while they will know that not only have they not encountered threats, but also their humans have shown plenty of affection.
This allows them to drop their guard which is why they become comfortable with being on or near you, and sometimes in some strange sleeping positions! This is a sign of both trust and affection and they enjoy your warmth and know they are safe around you.
It can take some cats a while to get to this level of trust, whereas others may always want to sleep on their own. But if your cat is sleeping on you or things that smell like you, be content that they feel bonded with you.
How to Create the Perfect Sleeping Spot for Your Cat
First of all, appreciate that creating a perfect sleeping spot for your cat can be a fool’s game. Cats are all different and what they have in common is they sleep a lot, and do it wherever they want. Sometimes they may want privacy, other times they’ll want your scent. This can change from day to day.
However, it’s a great idea to observe your cat’s behavior and try to support their sleeping habits. For example, if you have created a cat bed for them, move it to multiple locations to see if it’s more suited to them. For example, they may like their cat bed but don’t want to sleep at ground level.
Do they usually sleep high or low? Do they sleep on hard surfaces or soft spots? Do they like quiet areas or sleeping in the presence of humans? Do they sleep in warm spots or cooler areas? Do they seek your scent or sleep away from it?
If you answer all these questions, you can paint a picture of your cat’s perfect sleeping spot. For some it may be a bookshelf above a radiator, for others, it may be in blankets at the foot of your bed. Experiment a little but appreciate your cat will always sleep where they are happiest.