What Your Dog’s Sleeping Position Says About How They Feel

Discover what your dog’s preferred sleeping position can tell you about their health and well-being.

Mar 20, 2025byDonna Hobson

what your dogs sleeping position says about how they feel


You can learn a lot about your dog when they sleep; from subtle movements to the average time of their afternoon nap, each behavior provides insight into their personality, well-being, and general health.


Examine the different positions that canines sleep in and what their preferred resting stance about shares them. Discover when your pup is happy or feeling uncertain.


Curled Up: A Natural Sleeping State

dog sleeping curled in ball
A dog snoozing on the floor. Credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay


Curling up into a ball may be a dog’s most common sleep position; evidence suggests that their ancestors would dig holes in the ground and curl up into them. This is because it makes the dog less vulnerable by giving an extra layer of protection to their vital organs. No predator could launch a deadly attack without first waking the dog.


If your dog sleeps in a ball, it doesn’t mean they don’t trust you. Conversely, it could tell that they love you a great deal and want to keep themselves safe so that they can protect you in the event of an attack.


In addition, dogs may adopt this sleeping position during the cooler months of the year as it helps them maintain their body heat. Sleeping in a ball restricts your dog’s movements, so you’re less likely to see them twitch or kick as they sleep.


Cuddling: A Sign Your Dog Trusts You

dogs cuddling and sleeping
A litter of puppies sleeping. Credit: Image By Annett Aagot on Pixabay


Another way that dogs can maintain their body temperature is to cuddle with another dog or a human. If your dog curls up to you when they sleep, it’s a great sign that they trust you. This affectionate behavior demonstrates your dog’s love; it shows they want to be close to you and bond with you.


Puppies find it more challenging to regulate their body temperatures than adults, so this behavior would likely start while they’re a puppy and become a habit into adulthood.


Sleeping On Their Side: Feeling Safe and Comfortable

dog sleeping lay on side
A mixed-breed dog sleeping on brick. Credit: Image by Engin Akyurt on Pixabay


If your dog sleeps on its side, you can feel happy knowing they feel safe and comfortable. When a dog sleeps on its side, they leave all their vital organs exposed to attack. They won’t do this unless they know they can trust you.


This position keeps their legs free to move, so you might see them chasing a cat through their dreams or doing a gentle kick while they sleep. It is also the most likely position for a dog to enjoy deep sleep, meaning they can feel refreshed when they wake up.


Dogs who sleep on their side usually have an easy-going nature and are relaxed in most circumstances. Many of these dogs also trust and are fiercely loyal to their owners. However, if new or different people are in your home, you might notice that your canine changes its position due to the lack of familiarity.


The Lion Pose: Ready for Action

dog in sphinx position
A white Bulldog on its stomach. Credit: Image by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay


When your dog sleeps in the lion pose (otherwise known as the sphinx pose), they sleep with their head on top of their paws. This position indicates that they are resting but ready to leap into action at any moment.


A dog frequently assumes the lion pose for sleeping is likely to possess a protective and devoted personality. You’ll often notice that this type of dog will nap next to you, at your feet, or in front of the door.


Superman: A Sleeping Dog Ready for Play 

dog lay in superman position toy
A Pug asleep with its toy. Credit: Image by StockSnap on Pixabay


The “Superman” sleep position describes a dog sleeping on its stomach with front legs stretched above its head and back legs extending beyond its tail. A variant of the lion position, this sleep style allows a puppy to get rest while staying alert. Some dog owners affectionately call this position “splooting”.


Rather than being ready to jump to your defense, a puppy who sleeps in the Superman position is most likely preparing itself for playtime and will happily jump up and join you for a game at any given time. Puppies sleep like this because they don’t want to miss out on any of the action.


The type of dog who sleeps in the Superman position is energetic and playful; most often, puppies opt to nap like this.


Sleeping Upside-down: Allows for Temperature Regulation

dog lay on back
A dog rolling on its back. Credit: Image by Fran @thisisfranpatel on Pixabay


Sleeping on their back may be one of the most comfortable positions for your dog to enjoy some shut-eye. Still, this position leaves them the most vulnerable, so a dog will only engage in it if they feel incredibly comfortable.


Dogs can also adopt this position to cool down during hot summer months. Lying on their back exposes their bellies, allowing excess heat to escape and preventing heat exhaustion. If your dog is sleeping in this position, they’re likely carefree and loving life.


Sleeping on its back signifies that a dog has a happy-go-lucky personality and an independent streak.


Burrowing Dogs May Seek Comfort

dog burrowing under blankets
A dog poking out from under the covers. Credit: Image by Annabel P on Pixabay


Some dogs burrow before sleep, digging beneath pillows, blankets, or clothing.


There are several reasons your dog might engage in this behavior before they sleep. For example, they could be seeking comfort or trying to take a break from their household duties. Studies have shown that “dog shirts” (used for swaddling) may be an effective method for reducing anxiety in dogs, so your dog may burrow because they find it soothing.


If your pet burrows when they sleep, you likely have a very affectionate and loving dog in your family. Still, burrowing can display neediness, and mean they constantly search for things to make them feel comfortable and secure.




Donna Hobson
byDonna Hobson

Donna believes that keeping a pet is the key to a happy life. Over the years, many creatures have passed through her home - Sooty the cat, Millie the rabbit, Stuart (Little) the guinea pig, and Trixie the tortoise, alongside her pet goldfish, Zippy, who lived to the grand old age of 24 years! She currently resides with her black kitten Jinx and an aquarium full of fish and snails to entrance them both. When she is not looking after her pets, Donna enjoys researching and writing the answers to all your pet-related wonders.