Cats have taken over our lives, homes, and hearts. Some of those cats, just like humans, have diseases or illnesses that have left them impaired. Not every disease is something you can see telltale signs of from the outside. Like humans, cats can have many neurological disorders, which might manifest as shakiness, wobbling, or other physical traits. Cats may display signs similar to the human disease Down Syndrome. It’s all of this uniqueness that makes us love them even more.
What Is Down Syndrome?
Down Syndrome is a genetic condition in which a person is born with an extra chromosome. Humans have 46 chromosomes, but those born with Down Syndrome have 47. This affects their brain and growth. They have an extra copy of chromosome 21, which causes a slew of developmental and learning issues.
Having a baby with Down Syndrome does not mean the parents did anything different than anyone else. It is entirely random and sporadic. It is not inherited. Roughly 1 out of 700 babies will be born with Down Syndrome; it is the most common chromosome-related condition.
People with Down Syndrome don’t all exhibit the same symptoms or severity. Instead, some seem less affected than others. Some physical symptoms include a flat nose bridge, eyes that slant upward, a small pinky finger that points towards the thumb, and small ears, hands, and feet. The child may go on to become deaf or blind, possibly have heart issues, and have dental issues.
What makes Down Syndrome appear to be primarily cognitive is the way it affects the person, like moving around may look compromised, their speech may be different than your own, and they may have difficulty learning or completing tasks, which go on to make executive functioning very low. They generally have issues with everyday activities, from using the bathroom to getting around. Another common trait that tags along with Down Syndrome is obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Can Cats Have Down Syndrome?
No, cats can not have Down Syndrome, but they can have disorders that mimic the genetic condition. These congenital and neurological issues require veterinarian attention to devise ways to make the cat’s life easier. The cats in question may have a different appearance than other cats. They may appear to have a flat face with widely spaced eyes and small ears, difficulty with coordination and fine motor skills, and behavioral disorders.
The Reason Why Can’t Cats Have Down Syndrome
Cats have 38 chromosomes in total, but they lack chromosome 21, which causes Down Syndrome in humans. Even when they are very rarely born with an extra chromosome, it is not chromosome 21, so it does not affect them the same way as people diagnosed with Down syndrome.
Diseases Cats Can Have That Are Similar to Down Syndrome
Many diseases and conditions can alter a cat’s appearance and behavior. Some are easy fixes, like when they are wobbly because of an ear infection, and some are permanent neurological disorders. Cats can also acquire difficulties with coordination if they survive feline distemper (Panleukopenia) in the womb. An environmental toxin can cause another instance of a cat acting peculiarly, and suddenly, the cat reacts to it. Below are a few common issues that plague cats and can cause Down Syndrome-like symptoms.
Cerebellar hypoplasia
Cerebellar hypoplasia is the result of poor development of the cerebellum. The result is a cerebellum that is not fully developed at birth. This means the cat’s coordination is severely damaged. These are cats that have a lot of trouble standing or sitting still. They move their heads almost constantly, and because of this, they have many problems eating, drinking, using the litterbox, and grooming themselves. Most often, this disease is called wobbly kitten syndrome. It is a lifelong illness, and there is no known cure.
These silly cats are so goofy and loving. They just need a special human to help them with their executive functioning. Sometimes, they need to wear kitty diapers. Over time, it is possible for the kitten to learn ways to cope with the disease and will get around just fine. They might look and act drunk, but they are fully functional cats with much love to give. They never act like having Cerebellar hypoplasia slows them down one bit.
Panleukopenia infection
Panleukopenia, or feline distemper, is different from canine distemper. Feline distemper can be caught in the womb or when a healthy cat comes in contact with the virus. The virus can live for years on surfaces and can be a death sentence for all the cats in a shelter when one comes down with it.
Most of the time, the illness affects kittens, and most of the time, it kills them. They will develop lethargy, depression, anorexia, a high fever, leaking diarrhea, vomiting, severe dehydration, and weakness. Treating a cat once it has it is complicated, but some do pull through with round-the-clock hospital care and IV fluids. Science is ever-evolving, and treatment options are improving. This is why your cat must be fully vaccinated. Panleukopenia is included in their first and yearly vaccines.
Hydrocephalus is the result of too much cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Cats develop this in the womb when an increase in the cerebellar fluid occurs before the skull has finished fusing. Once the skull fuses, the extra fluid does not have anywhere to go, creating a large amount of pressure in the cat’s brain, which causes brain damage. This disorder can also occur in cats that have had a severe head injury, cancer, or infection. Many times, cats with this disorder do not lead a quality life and are euthanized due to their suffering.
The physical traits of the illness include the cat being smaller than the others and having a dome-shaped head with its fontanelles (soft spot) open. The eyes may appear to be looking downward or outward all the time. The cat may walk in endless circles, be found pressing its foreheads against a wall, or have trouble walking due to weakness.
All Cats Are Special
Having a cat with special needs may sound like a lot of work and something that will cost you a lot of money, but that isn’t true. You will need to figure out what works best for you both in the beginning, but following that, you have a cat like any other happy cat, and that cat wants snuggles, loads of love, and to play. Adopting special needs cats requires the person to have a big heart, tons of compassion, empathy, and, of course, patience. Everyone needs love, after all.