What Does Pet Insurance Cover?

Pet insurance can be a lifesaver. Literally! It can cover things like surgical expenses and routine care. However, coverage can vary depending on what policy you purchased.

Sep 7, 2024byNikita Hillier

what does pet insurance cover


Pet insurance can be a true saving grace when it comes to unexpected vet visits. These policies generally offer financial support for treatments that range from general maintenance to emergency situations. Much like human health insurance, pet insurance policies vary a lot in coverage options, premiums, and deductibles.


Understanding what pet insurance can cover is important when choosing the policy right for your pet. Here, we examine the different types of insurance coverage, along with what policies best benefit your furry friend. 


Pet Insurance Can Cover Unexpected Veterinary Costs 

cocker spaniel dog with tongue out
Image Credit: Danmakesgames on Unsplash


Pet insurance varies between companies and policies. It usually covers a very broad spectrum of vet expenses resulting from accidents, illnesses, and even genetic conditions! Typical pet insurance policies generally offer coverage for: 

Accidental Injuries


Coverage can pay for treatment resulting from fractures, lacerations, and even bowel obstructions that may require surgical intervention or emergency care.


Various Illnesses 


Illnesses covered by pet insurance can include infections and allergies, and even go as far as chronic diseases, like diabetes, arthritis, and certain types of cancer. 


Diagnostic Tests


Pet insurance often covers things like diagnostic procedures. Most often, this includes procedures like ultrasounds, x-rays, blood tests, and MRIs necessary for assessing your pet’s health. 



black and white dog standing in the forest
Image Credit: Danmakesgames on Unsplash


Comprehensive pet insurance will cover costs associated with hospital stays including overnight monitoring, intravenous fluids, and any intensive care treatments, such as being in an oxygen chamber. 




Pet insurance can include medications that are prescribed to treat illnesses, manage conditions, and alleviate pain or discomfort.


Specialist Referrals


Some policies will cover visits to veterinary specialists including oncologists, dermatologists, cardiologists, or orthopedic surgeons if this sort of care is necessary.


Alternative Therapies


Some plans will cover visits for alternative treatments like chiropractic care, acupuncture, physical therapy, or hydrotherapy. These are all great, holistic options for managing your pet’s health.


Dental Care


Coverage for dental treatments can include extractions, routine cleanings, and treatment of dental diseases or injuries. This promotes dental health and prevents any related complications, such as abscesses. 


Read the Fine Print When Buying Pet Insurance 

small french bulldog looking into camera
Image Credit: Henrique Ferreira on Unsplash


Pet insurance policies have specific limits and deductibles that impact the coverage and costs. When buying pet insurance, be sure to read the “fine print” regarding: 

  • What coverage doesn’t include: Policies may impose annual, per-incident, or even lifetime caps on reimbursements. Annual limits reset every policy year, while lifetime limits will restrict the total amount paid over your pet’s lifetime. Unlimited coverage options can sometimes become available for people who are seeking extensive financial protection.


  • Deductibles: The deductible is the initial amount that you will have to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage applies. Higher deductibles will usually have lower monthly premiums. However, lower deductibles will result in much higher premiums, depending on the policy.


As said above, both factors will depend entirely on the company and plan you choose to go with, as well as the animal you’re trying to insure. For any specific information about coverage limits and deductibles, consult a potential insurer. 


What Doesn’t Pet Insurance Cover? 

dog in pink harness
Image Credit: Morrow Solutions on Unsplash


Despite having comprehensive coverage, some pet insurance will not cover certain things, such as:  

  • Pre-existing conditions: Most policies exclude pre-existing conditions, such as soft-tissue ailments. If you buy a plan that includes a pre-existing condition, expect to pay more each month. 


  • Elective procedures: Cosmetic procedures that are deemed elective, such as ear cropping or tail docking, are not usually covered by policies.


  • Behavioral issues: Treatments that are in any way related to behavioral problems, including modification therapies and training, are usually excluded.


  • Experimental treatments: Any treatments without concrete, proven results are generally excluded from pet insurance policies. 


  • Breeding expenses: Costs associated with breeding, including pregnancy, fertility treatments, and birthing complications, are usually excluded from coverage. 


Choosing the Right Policy for Your Dog 

black and tan pomerianian dog close up
Image Credit: Morrow Solutions on Unsplash


When it comes to choosing the right pet insurance policy, it is super important to think about several factors, including: 

  • Planning for the unexpected: Take a look at policies that offer coverage for accidents, illnesses, and even routine care. This makes sure all of your pets’ health needs are covered when they need to be.


  • Affordability: Try to find a nice medium between premium costs and coverage benefits. It is a good idea to consider deductibles and potential co-payments. Look at whether higher premiums for lower deductibles are within your budget and risk tolerance.


  • Exclusions and limitations: Take a good look at policy terms, exclusions, and restrictions to know what’s covered and what’s not. 


  • Policy customization: Some insurers will offer you the chance to offer customizable plans, allowing you to curate a plan that’s specific to your dog’s needs. 


  • Other customers’ satisfaction: Take the time to research insurers. Find out what people are saying about their claims processing efficiency, customer service, and general client happiness. This ensures you get reliable support when you need it. 


Conclusion: Pet Insurance Covers Many Things 

tiny dog sitting in owners lap
Image Credit: Real Natures Food


Pet insurance is a very helpful thing for pet owners to have. It helps pet owners avoid any financial strain and provides access to emergency vet care, even if you don’t have the immediate funds. 


When you take the time to understand what pet insurance covers, ranging from accidents and illnesses to routine care, you can feel empowered to make good decisions regarding your dog’s health. 




Nikita Hillier
byNikita Hillier

Nikita is a huge animal lover who has grown up on a farm with many different animals, from dogs and cats to horses and cows! She has a lot of experience in the equine industry and is even in the process of studying for an internationally accredited Equine Sports Massage Certificate! In her spare time, she enjoys writing and spending time with her beloved animals!