What Can You Expect at a Reptile Expo?

You will find many reptiles and exotic creatures for sale at a reptile expo. It’s also a fantastic place to purchase supplies, gain knowledge, and meet fellow hobbyists.

Feb 27, 2025byTanya Taylor

what can you expect at reptile expo


Visiting a reptile expo is a fantastic way to get up close and personal with unique reptiles and amphibians. It also provides an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and draw inspiration about reptile care. If you’re considering buying a reptile or are an established owner looking to improve your setup, visiting a reptile show is a terrific idea. If it’s your first time, you can discover what to expect at a reptile expo in the article below.


You Can Observe and Handle Reptiles at Expos

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A lizard. Photo Credit: shraga kopstein on Unsplash


At a reptile expo, you can expect to be dazzled by exotic creatures in a fun and friendly environment. You can also expect to find plenty of invaluable advice from experienced reptile keepers, which will improve your skills as an owner. Expos are a fantastic place to draw inspiration and meet like-minded people. In addition to buying animals and equipment, you can purchase souvenirs and enjoy food and drinks.


Education is a crucial part of touring reptile shows, and they usually have seminars and workshops throughout the event, and you discover the best reptiles for kids. Visiting an expo is the best way to get close to reptiles before buying one. You can touch and handle the animals, but you must ask the vendor first and wash your hands before and after to avoid spreading illnesses like salmonella.


Despite what the name suggests, many reptile expos feature a host of pets, including:

  • Exotic pets, like hedgehogs, chinchillas, rodents, and birds
  • Geckos
  • Lizards
  • Frogs
  • Salamanders
  • Snakes
  • Tarantulas and other inverts
  • Toads
  • Tortoises
  • Turtles


Reptile Expos Aim to Offer Inspiration and Advice

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A tortoise. Photo Credit: Fernando Maté on Unsplash


Reptile expos are the holy grail for learning about creatures, their diet, habitats, and care needs. In addition to workshops and seminars, vendors willingly share care advice to promote animal welfare, and with years of hands-on experience, many are experts in their field. Reptile breeders are passionate about their trade and always happy to answer questions. Even if you don’t want to buy a reptile, an expo is a fantastic place to handle and learn about creatures before committing to one.


Reptile expos are also a fantastic way to explore different setups. You’ll find endless inspiration for reptile enclosures, full of enrichment ideas, so you can provide the best life for your animal. Furthermore, you’ll meet fellow enthusiasts and immerse yourself in the unique Herp community.


Resist Impulse Buying at a Reptile Expo

tree frog
A tree frog. Photo Credit: Chris Curry on Unsplash


It’s tremendously easy to get carried away at reptile expos, especially if it’s your first time, but you must resist impulse buying. Don’t buy a creature if you don’t know how to care for it. Some animal lovers aren’t fans of expos because impulse buys often lead to neglect. Reptiles need specialist care, expensive equipment, and a lot of time, so you mustn’t buy one on a whim. You also have to find a trustworthy reptile vet, and visits can be pricey.


If you buy a reptile without doing your homework first, you may end up with an unhealthy creature. If you’re unfamiliar with the species, you won’t know the health indicators to look for. Before buying a reptile at an expo, learn how to check for the signs of a healthy animal, and inspect it thoroughly before buying. Also, examine it for common illnesses such as scale rot.


Top Tips for Visiting a Reptile Expo

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A green snake. Photo Credit: David Clode on Unsplash


Now that you know what to expect from a reptile expo, to get the most from your experience, take a look at these top tips:

1. Make a list – If you buy a creature, make an equipment list so you don’t forget any essential items.


2. Research the vendors – Check their website and socials beforehand to make shopping easier.


3. Check the legality – If you buy an animal, ensure it is legal in your state.


4. Take a notepad and pen – Taking notes makes it easier to shop around. Note down the price of items and vendor table number so you can return later.


5. Choose ethical vendors – Avoid vendors that keep reptiles in unsanitary or overcrowded conditions. Be wary if the seller can’t supply genetic history or answer questions about their animals.


6. Get the vendor’s contact details – To reach out – if you have questions or queries after the purchase.


7. Go straight home – If you buy a creature, get it home as soon as possible. Please don’t keep it in the car for hours because this will cause them distress.


Biggest Reptile Expos in Canada and the USA

pet tarantula
A tarantula. Photo Credit: Ryan Hyde on Unsplash


The biggest reptile expos in the USA and Canada include the National Reptile Breeders Expo and the Canadian Reptile Expo. Whether you’re looking for a pet snake or a fascinating tortoise species, visiting a reptile expo is the best place to start.


Here’s a quick overview of the biggest reptile expos in Canada and the USA:

1. The Canadian Reptile Expo – At 20 years old, this is Canada’s longest-running reptile expo, and it holds regular events across Canada throughout the year. The organization has a massive focus on animal welfare and responsible ownership.


2. The National Reptile Breeders Expo – Running for 25 years, this is America’s oldest and largest annual reptile expo. It occurs on the third weekend in August every year. The next one in Daytona Beach, Florida, USA, is a massive four-day event.


3. Western Canadian Reptile Expo – It has several events throughout the year and is the largest reptile and plant show in Canada. It’s a family-friendly event with exclusive interactive booths.


4. Show Me Reptiles Show – This show tours regularly in many US states.




Tanya Taylor
byTanya Taylor

Tanya is a trusted animal care professional and has devoted her life to animals. In her 25-year career, she’s worked with all kinds of creatures in many environments, including three years caring for small animals as a veterinary nursing assistant and five years birthing down racehorses. \n\nShe is an expert farm and dog sitter - and has spent many hours volunteering at her local pony sanctuary. Tanya is originally from Liverpool in the UK, but now she lives in Ibiza, Spain, with her cheeky red terrier Leo and three Leopard tortoise hatchlings, Ninja, Tiny, and Orwell.