7 Ways to Stimulate Your Pet Cat

Learn about seven different ways you can entertain and stimulate your pet cat to keep them physically and mentally active every day.

Aug 15, 2024byCaitlin Ross

ways to stimulate your pet cat


Having a healthy and happy cat is a top priority for pet owners. You need to make sure that your cat or kitten is getting enough physical and mental stimulation. This applies to all domestic cats, but it’s especially important for indoor cats who don’t venture outside too often. As their owner, it’s your responsibility to make sure they’re happy, stimulated, and not bored! Here are a few tactics you can try out.


Interactive Toys

cat toy feather
Image credit: Take a Break


Most of us need to go to work and can’t be home with our pets all day long (even though we wish we could). It’s important that your pets have something to keep themselves busy with while you’re out and about, and this is where toys play a huge role.


Some of the cat supplies you’ll need include different types of toys for them to play with so they can decide which they most prefer. Puzzle feeders are a great option because they offer a bit of a mental challenge and a reward in the form of treats. Another good idea is a swinging feather toy that sticks to the floor or wall – this will be a great form of fun for your cat when they’re alone! Other easy ideas include balls, bells, and squeaky mice, and you can even make some DIY cat toys if you’re on a budget.


Climbing Structures

cat tree
Image credit: The Comforted Kitty


Cats are agile creatures who love to stretch their legs and jump about. This is why you often see outdoor cats climbing trees and jumping on walls. Climbing is an important form of exercise for cats, helping them avoid boredom, relieve stress, and ease their curiosity and need to explore.


Putting some climbing structures in your home will offer this type of movement to your cat and keep them from climbing up your curtains! Cat trees, shelves, and various perches can be placed in your home. Most of these structures are made with materials that can double as a scratching post which is important for cats to keep their nails in check and keep their claws out of the sofa.


Playtime with Owners

cat playing
Image credit: Martha Stewart


Your cat will often be home alone, when you’re at home and have some downtime, it’s crucial to spend some quality time with your cat. Interactive play together will provide mental stimulation and physical activity and help strengthen your bond!


Playing with your cat should be natural and easy – you can taunt them with your fingers, a feather, or a toy to engage in play. You could also play with a laser pointer or roll a ball around for them to chase. Chasing your cat around the house or letting them chase you is another great form of exercise and play. Your cat will love to be touched, so play fighting with them is another great way to have fun and bond with your pet – as long as you’re gentle and mindful of their claws.


Window Perches and Outdoor Views

cat window perch
Image credit: Etsy Canada


If your cat is an indoor pet, they might still like to see the outside world, which is why it is a good idea to allow them access to a window where they can comfortably sit and watch what’s happening beyond their four walls.


Create a little window perch for your pet where they can sit in the sun and watch outside. Whether they have a beautiful natural garden to look at or a view of a busy street, they’ll be curious and interested in what’s going on outside, and this will provide great entertainment and mental stimulation. If you’re able, consider setting up a bird feeder right outside the window so your cat can watch the birds without being able to get at them.


Cat Chatter

cat talking
Image credit: Gizmodo


While physical touch is the primary and most essential way to bond with your cat, talking to them is another great way to interact!


Even though your pets can’t talk back, they still enjoy being chatted to, and these interactions can be very meaningful. Make sure to talk to your cat gently and use a high-pitched tone. Using their name often, especially if they’re already familiar with it, will help cats connect with you and interact in response.


Some cat owners simply talk nonsense to their cats, ask them questions, or chat about their day, even though there’s no hope of a response. Other people like to “meow” at their cat and often get a “meow” or a purr in return!


Training and Tricks

cat tricks
Image credit: Homes Alive Pets Blog


We all get excited about the idea of teaching a puppy to “sit” or “high-five,” but many pet owners fail to realize that they can teach their cats fun tricks as well. Dogs and cats are both intelligent enough to train, and training your cat is a great way to engage with them and strengthen your relationship while also challenging them mentally.


Teach your cat to spin, sit, jump, or give a high-five using positive reinforcement like treats and affection. Don’t punish your cat for failing! Simply keep trying and reward them when they finally get it right. You can also train your cat out of bad behavior, such as biting or scratching the furniture, as long as you’re consistent and help your pet understand what you want from them.


Sensory Stimulation

cat with catnip
Image credit: Scientific American


Another way to stimulate your cat is to engage all of its senses—smell, touch, sight, sound, and taste. You can use catnip, textured toys and materials, laser pointers, and different scents to stimulate your pet.


This kind of stimulation can be enjoyable for a cat and can even keep them entertained. We’ve all seen how cats react to catnip, making them lively and playful. Use this to your advantage and instigate a chasing match with your furry friend!


You might also try turning on a video to entertain your cat. There are videos online specially designed to entertain cats and keep them busy. These videos often feature fish in a pond and might have your pet pawing at the screen in an attempt to catch them.




Caitlin Ross
byCaitlin Ross

Caitlin is an animal lover at heart with a passion for writing and sharing this love with the world. She’s a born and raised South African and grew up always surrounded by animals: more pets than she can count, and regularly adventuring with her family into the bush, where she feels most at peace with the wildlife in their natural habitat.