People have been housing canaries for decades – besides being adorable, their personalities are unlike those of any other avian. Not to mention, it takes very little time to get the hang of caring for them.
Without further ado, let’s dive into the reasons why canaries make such fantastic pets!
1. Canaries are Low-Maintenance
Birds are pretty low-maintenance pets compared to a dog, but they still have their needs. That said, canaries have a leg up on their feathered friends with their relatively minimal upkeep.
These cuties mainly just want a swing and some toys in their personal space to keep their racing minds occupied. Since they’re so tiny, you won’t need a giant cage that takes forever to clean, making canaries an ideal pet for first-time bird owners.
They’re not very picky in terms of food, either, although they do prefer seeds of various kinds. Oftentimes, though, they’re perfectly happy to nibble on some berries or even smaller insects.
Sure, they like going to the bathroom a lot, and they molt once a year like most other birds. Still, when you compare them to something like a parrot, you can expect to do a lot less cleaning up on average.
You also need to check for parasites every month or two, but deworming is a key component of caring for any kind of bird.
2. Canaries are Great Singers
Unlike certain larger birds, canaries are known for their super-soft singing voices and enchanting song melodies. They draw inspiration from noises heard in nature, so consider keeping their cage closer to a window if you can.
If you do, make sure the sunlight isn’t too harsh as they aren’t the best at handling heat!
By and large, it’s male canaries that do the most singing, as they rely on it to scare away other males and attract mating partners. At the same time, singing frequency is a good indicator of a canary’s health. If it randomly stops doing it for a while, it might be time to call up a vet.
One adorable aspect of their singing is that they seem to enjoy performing for humans. It’s very common for canaries to hush up when you cover their cage overnight, only to start belting as soon as the tarp is removed!
3. They Don’t Make a Lot of Noise
Canaries are extremely popular among people who live in apartments since they tend to be extremely quiet for pet birds. You get all the serene, beautiful chirping we mentioned above, minus the midnight squeaking and random outbursts of noise!
After all, canaries have similar sleeping schedules to ours. Even if yours is on the more temperamental side, rest assured it won’t cut into your beauty sleep. This goes double for baby canaries – you won’t be hearing a peep out of them in the first couple of months of their lives.
We can’t imagine anyone having a problem with the singing, but if you want a canary that’s almost completely silent, we recommend getting a female. Just bear in mind that they prefer owners who are as quiet as they are!
4. They Don’t Mind Solitude
Certain birds belong in pairs or groups, but canaries are in their best mood when there are no roommates around. In human terms, you could say they’re introverted, as they’re even skittish around their owners when they first move in.
Although they’re non-talking birds, their behavior speaks volumes about their loner temperament. They’re not the biggest fans of physical touch, but over time, they’re likely to try and stand on your finger or shoulder. All the while, you never have to worry about them biting you.
Some canaries do manage to integrate with other pets (especially other small birds), but whatever you do, don’t keep two males in the same enclosure. Despite their normally calm demeanor, canaries can get pretty territorial if they perceive a mating threat!
5. They’re Very Intelligent
Birds tend to make great pets since they’re so intelligent, and that also goes for canaries. With the right kind of training, you can get them to do some impressive aerial acrobatics on command!
Other bird species like to gnaw on their toys, but canaries get a bit more creative. A lot of times, you’ll find them making nests out of fabrics or softer toys you leave in their cage. Some of them even like to orchestrate their daily singing sessions with toy bells!
Finally, canaries have a softer spot for children than you might imagine. Much like kids, canaries like to stay active and interact with things, making them ideal playmates.
More importantly, when children are intently focused on them, canaries don’t get agitated, as they understand it comes from a place of curiosity.