7 Tips for Adopting a Pet Boxer

Looking to adopt a pet Boxer? Keep these 7 tips in mind to get off to a good start with your new friend!

Jun 6, 2024byDallin Darger

tips for adopting pet boxer

Boxers have a well-deserved reputation as loyal, friendly, and playful dogs. So, it’s no surprise that many people choose to adopt a pet Boxer into their family and home! But, what are the main things to know when you make the decision to adopt one?

As it turns out, there’s quite a bit of information to keep your eye on during the transition process. Let’s walk through 7 key tips to focus on when adopting a Boxer!

1. Preparing Your Home for the Boxer

boxer laying on carpet

Image by heathergunn from Pixabay

When you adopt a Boxer, the first thing you’ll want to do is ensure that your home is ready to accommodate the dog. In most cases, there’s a simple (yet essential!) list of items to have in handy:

In addition, it’s a good idea to check that the house is a comfortable temperature, as Boxers can’t handle extreme heat or cold. You also may want to section off parts of the house that will be off-limits to the dog. Typically, baby gates work well for this purpose.

2. Follow Nutritional Guidelines

boxer eating grass

Image by mbartolucci from Pixabay

To help maintain a sustainable, healthy boxer diet, it’s best to stick to optimal nutritional guidelines whenever possible. For the most part, this means high-quality and protein-rich food sources. It’s also crucial to not overlook adding healthy fats into the mix, as these (in moderation) provide additional calories and long-term energy.

High-quality dog treats can also be a great supplement for your Boxer’s diet. Not only can they help train your dog, but they also, within reasonable limits, serve to offer nutritional variety to the pet. The most important factor is to avoid low-quality and byproduct-heavy dog food, since these foods might pose health problems down the line.

3. Training a Pet Boxer

boxer laying on grass

Photo by Amber Turner on Unsplash

Training is often one of the most intimidating tasks for new Boxer owners. But, it doesn’t need to be! In fact, if you follow just a handful of simple steps, you may find that both you and your Boxer actually enjoy the time spent training.

Prior to each training session, it’s best to give your Boxer some playtime. This is a very high-energy dog breed, so letting your pup play before training will help calm them down and get in the right mindset.

The most critical piece of advice to keep in mind here is using positive reinforcement. Find out what your pet Boxer likes the most (note: this will probably take the form of a specific food) and offer it as a reward for good behavior. Before you know it, your new canine friend will be impressing everyone!

4. Provide Plenty of Stimulation

boxer standing in water

Photo by Genadi Yakovlev

Due to their high energy levels, Boxers need more physical and mental stimulation than many other breeds. This can cause some problems for the unprepared owner! However, there are thankfully some foolproof ways to provide your pet dog the level of stimulation they need.

Firstly, exercise is a must. Boxers simply have too much energy to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Fetch, running, and frisbee are fantastic ways to burn off some of that excitement. Toys, games, and puzzles are also useful for offering mental stimulation to Boxers. Fortunately, there are many puzzle toys for dogs out there to choose from!

5. Look Out for Common Health Problems

boxer in dark room

Photo by Mindaugas

While Boxers have an extraordinary range of positive qualities, the breed also tends to suffer from certain canine health conditions. Owners who want to provide their pet with as healthy of a lifestyle as possible should keep an eye out for these illnesses.

Some common health problems Boxers are particularly prone to include heart disease, hypothyroidism, eye and skin conditions, and hip dysplasia. The breed also shows a fairly high risk of epilepsy, degenerative myelopathy, and mast cell tumors.

Now, your pet Boxer isn’t guaranteed to develop any of these conditions. But, there’s no harm in familiarizing yourself with the symptoms and watching out for any troubling signs!

6. Give Your Boxer Time to Adjust

boxer puppy on carpet

Photo by Clarke Sanders on Unsplash

Even if you do your best to make your home as comfortable and inviting as possible, your new Boxer friend may still show signs of anxiety and discomfort. This is totally normal! In fact, if you’re adopting a shelter dog, there’s a common rule that covers this: The 3-3-3 rule.

The 3-3-3 rule means giving your adopted dog 3 days to decompress, 3 weeks to get used to a new routine, and 3 months to feel at home. Now, it’s important to remember that this timeline is just a guideline based on how shelter dogs typically respond to adoption.

Your Boxer may adjust to their new home much quicker, but the point is to have some patience. Don’t try to force what has to come naturally!

7. Boxers Are Friendly and Sociable

man petting boxer

Photo by Ivan Jaimes

One final point has to do with Boxers’ temperaments. Despite their tough-looking appearance, these dogs have a sweet, friendly, and gentle disposition. They are eager to form a close, lasting bond with their owners and they quickly develop loyal and protective instincts.

Because of their sociable personalities, there are very rarely any concerns about Boxers showing aggressive behavior to children or other animals. As a result, they are widely acknowledged to have a place amongst other family-friendly dog breeds like labradors and beagles.

On the other hand, the playful, outgoing, and energetic behavior Boxers display can have an off-putting effect on other dogs. So, it might be necessary to occasionally separate your pet Boxer from any other dogs in the household if you find they’re getting too rambunctious.

Dallin Darger
byDallin Darger

Dallin is a passionate, seasoned pet owner and enthusiast. He has, over the course of 27 years, owned and loved a litany of breeds, from Labrador retrievers and calico cats to angelfish and neon tetras. Much of his free time is spent researching and learning everything he can about unfamiliar and exciting types of wildlife.