Should I Get Pet Insurance?

You could benefit from getting pet insurance if you have a puppy or a senior dog. This can be a lifesaver if your pet suffers a serious injury or illness.

Feb 18, 2024byThalia Oosthuizen

should I get pet insurance

Life is stressful enough without the added worry and expense that comes with owning a pet. From shots to those unforeseen emergencies, getting medical care for your kitty or pup can set you back a pretty penny. If only there were a way to have these costs covered while only paying a small monthly fee.

Well, guess what? There is! Introducing pet insurance – the most affordable way to take care of your beloved furry friend in any eventuality.

What Is Pet Insurance?

Woman Holding Three White Kittens on Lap

Image credit: Pexels

Pet insurance is your saving grace when your pet is injured, needs life-saving treatment, or just needs a check-up at the vet. Just like you have medical insurance, car insurance, or home insurance, pet insurance is the safety net that makes sure your pet gets the best possible care without costing you a ton of money.

Think your cat might have ear mites? Pet insurance can help cover the cost of your vet visit. Does your dog have kennel cough after a weekend of boarding? Pet insurance could cover that, too.

What could be better than getting your beloved pooch or fluffy kitty the best medical care at a fraction of the cost? Well, nothing really. Pet insurance is, quite literally, the bee’s knees.

The Pros of Pet Insurance

Beagle Resting Head on Chair Armrest

Image credit: Pexels

Some pros of having pet insurance include:

Financial Relief in the Case of an Emergency

Let’s be honest – no one has a wad of cash just lying around for those emergencies. What’s more, vet fees and medical bills are expensive these days. Many pet insurance providers offer coverage of between 70 and 90%, depending on the package you choose, while some (although rare and hard to find) will cover 100% of your vet fees. Think of it as your saving grace when money is tight, and your pet is ill or injured.

You Can Choose Your Own Vet

Unlike most medical insurance, pet insurance providers offer freedom of choice when it comes to where you want to take your pet to receive medical treatment. No more driving around with your sick pet looking for a vet that’s covered under the insurance provider’s network.

You Can Customize Coverage

Pet Rabbit Sitting Beside Potted Plant

Image credit: Pexels

Pet insurance gives you the flexibility to customize your coverage based on what you can afford. If your pup is generally healthy, you might want to choose accident and emergency coverage only. But, if you have, let’s say, a Basset Hound that is prone to ear infections, you would choose a policy to help cover the costs of vet visits and medication.

Cons of Pet Insurance

Green Pagoda Sunbathing on Wooden Bridge

Image credit: Pexels

Those are some pretty great pros, right? But what are the cons?

Pet Insurance Doesn’t Always Cover Everything

While one would hope that pet insurance covers absolutely everything, in reality, it doesn’t, and you might still have to cover a few out-of-pocket expenses yourself. Always read the terms and conditions of your pet insurance coverage to know exactly what is covered and what is not.

Routine Visits Are Often Not Covered

Again, this depends largely on the pet insurance provider you have selected and also the package you have chosen. Choose the package based on what you can afford, and go with a provider that covers at least a small portion of your vet bill for routine visits and check-ups.

Pet Insurance Does Not Cover Pre-Existing Conditions

White and Orange Tabby Cat Lying on Grass

Image credit: Pexels

When bringing a new dog home, there is nothing worse than finding out that it has a pre-existing condition. Now, imagine that you are turned down for pet insurance because of it. This is the reality that many pet owners face when their pet has a pre-existing condition or is getting on in years.

As with everything in life, there are always pros and cons. Weigh up the pros against the cons and decide for yourself if pet insurance is the right way to go. You might purchase coverage, or you may find it easier to put money in a separate account for emergencies.

Who Should Get Pet Insurance?

Black and White Tabby Cats Sleeping on Red Blanket

Image credit: Pexels

Pet insurance is a great investment for all pets – young, old, cats, dogs, even reptiles and rodents. It can give you the peace of mind that your playful Labradoodle or Maine Coon is well taken care of should anything happen.

It’s a safety net for the young and old, helping to cover vet bills should they get sick or have an accident. So, whether you have a bouncy bundle of joy or a wise old friend, pet insurance is there to make sure they stay happy and healthy without the added stress of vet bills.

What Does Pet Insurance Cover?

Guinea Pigs Eating Food on Lawn

Image credit: Pexels

Depending on the package and provider you choose for your pet insurance, there are a number of things that are covered.

Here are a few examples of what MOST pet insurance providers cover:

  • Common illnesses like ear infections, diarrhea, and vomiting
  • Accidents and injuries like poisonings, broken limbs, and sprains
  • Testing and diagnostic services like blood tests, scans, and ultrasounds
  • Serious illnesses like cancer, puppy hypoglycemia, and heart disease
  • Procedures like operations, chemotherapy, and scopes
  • Medications, both prescription and over-the-counter
  • Wellness or routine check-ups, including vaccinations, deworming, and other preventative medications for pesky parasites

Sure, dogs are man’s best friend. But pet insurance is their best friend in the event of a medical emergency.

Pet Insurance Offers Peace of Mind

Three Dogs Sitting Together

Image credit: Pexels

In the world of pet care, pet insurance emerges as the ultimate sidekick in ensuring that your pet is well taken care of should they require anything from a routine check-up to a more costly surgery or treatment option.

Sure, it is yet another expense that you will have to pay for, but when you think of the peace of mind you will have knowing that your beloved furbaby is protected, you will be glad to know you made the right choice in getting pet insurance.

Pets are more than just a dog or a cat – they are a valuable part of your family. So, just how much would you be willing to pay to ensure that they live a long and happy life?

Thalia Oosthuizen
byThalia Oosthuizen

Thalia has been a freelance writer for over a decade and a dog (and animal) lover for over 30 years. She grew up on a farm where, at one stage, she had 15 dogs. She currently has one dog, Avery - an adorable pavement special with an extra toe on each foot, and two rescue cats - Boris and Mango. In her spare time, Thalia enjoys running, cycling, swimming, and reading