7 Natural Remedies for Dogs

There are many natural remedies that can help your dog when they have an upset stomach or dry skin. Just be sure to consult your veterinarian first!

Jul 7, 2024byKristen Chandler

natural remedies for dogs

Herbal medicine has been used to treat and prevent ailments and illnesses for centuries. You might not know that several natural remedies can be used to treat minor issues in dogs like itchy skin and upset stomach.

However, always talk to your vet before giving your dog anything. Just because these remedies are natural doesn’t mean they can’t be harmful. Incorrect dosage for your dog’s age and size could hurt them. Natural remedies can also interact negatively with your dog’s medications.

1. Chamomile

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Chamomile can treat various canine ailments, including upset stomach and skin conditions. You can administer chamomile in capsule or liquid form for stomach issues and to help with cramps and muscle spasms.

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, chamomile can also be used on inflamed or red skin. It can be applied as a cream or salve, or you can spray some cool chamomile tea directly on your dog’s skin.

Chamomile can also act as a sedative, so please ask your vet before giving it to your dog and don’t give them more than the recommended dosage.

2. Oatmeal

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If your dog has seasonal allergies, a skin condition, or a mild rash, you can soothe and treat them with an oatmeal bath. Oatmeal contains avenanthramides and phenols, which help with itching, inflammation, and red feet.

You can purchase finely ground oatmeal powder or grind it yourself. Then add it to a warm bath and encourage your dog to sit in it for at least five to ten minutes. Is your pup not a fan of baths? Then mix the oatmeal powder with a bit of water and apply it directly to the problem areas.

3. Epsom Salt

epsom salt
Image credit: Prevention

Have you ever soaked in a bath with Epsom salts to relieve your tired, achy muscles? Well, dogs can get relief from Epsom salts, too. Epsom salts act as an anti-inflammatory agent and can open up and drain abscesses. They can also help if your doggy has sore feet.

Mix Epsom salts and warm water and soak the affected area for five to ten minutes, up to three times daily.

4. Ginger

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Ginger is a wonderful herb often used to treat upset stomachs in people and dogs. If your dog has a mild upset stomach (nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) caused by something they ate or if they are prone to motion sickness, ginger can help.

You can give your dog minced raw ginger root or administer it as a capsule, liquid, powder, or tincture. Your vet can advise you of the proper dosage for your pup’s weight.

5. Calendula

Calendula flowers
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

The calendula flower, also known as the pot marigold, is a beautiful flower with antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antiviral benefits for canines. It speeds up the healing process by preventing infection, restricting bacterial growth, and reducing redness and inflammation.

Externally, calendula can treat:

  • Blisters
  • Bruises
  • Burns
  • Cuts
  • Dry skin
  • Insect bites

You can apply the flower’s petals directly to wounds or brew tea from the flower and make an antiseptic wash. Calendula salve can also be applied to wounds, especially cracked and dry skin.

Dogs can also take calendula internally, in tea form. This can treat ulcers and support liver function. A calendula tea rinse can be applied directly to the gums to soothe toothaches and other symptoms of dental disease. 

6. Sage

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Sage is known for its fragrant aroma and for adding bursts of flavor to food. But it also has several benefits for dogs. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), all parts of the sage plant are safe for dogs.

Sage contains minerals and vitamins, including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, and zinc. These vitamins and minerals help boost your pup’s immune system and support bone, eye, and skin health.

This herb can reduce inflammation and redness in skin infections, ease the discomfort of seasonal allergies, relieve bloating and gas, prevent infection, and relieve the pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. Additionally, sage is antimicrobial, killing bacteria, including oral bacteria.

You can add sage to your dog’s diet by including it in their food or making homemade treats with sage. Sage can also be applied topically for skin infections.


Turmeric Powder on a Spoon Black Background
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric can treat inflammation in dogs caused by allergies, arthritis, canine-related cancer, dental disease, and digestive issues. It can be used to relieve pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. Turmeric also boosts immunity and can support your dog’s heart, liver, and digestive functions.

A little bit of this golden powder goes a long way. Be careful because it can also stain. You can add a turmeric paste to their food or give them turmeric drops or tablets.

Kristen Chandler
byKristen Chandler

Kristen is a content writer, dog lover, and a mom to 3 teenagers and a feisty Schnoodle named Sam. Sam loves barking, running, and spending time with his family. However, he isn't a fan of FedEx and UPS trucks! Kristen likes spending time with her family, rooting for kids in all their activities, reading, and listening to true crime podcasts.