My Bearded Dragon Laid Eggs: What Now?

Bearded dragons lay eggs, but what do you do when a clutch suddenly appears in your pet’s enclosure? Let’s discover when beardies lay, how they nest, and their care requirements.

Mar 9, 2025byLisa Szymanski

my bearded dragon laid eggs what now


If your bearded dragon has just laid eggs and you aren’t sure what to do, we’ve got you covered! Female beardies are known to lay occasional eggs, even if they’re alone and have never come into contact with a male. But if the eggs are fertile, there are a few steps you should take to keep your expecting mom comfortable and ready to raise her hatchlings. To help you figure your beardie out, this guide answers the question, “My bearded dragon laid eggs; what now?”


Don’t Worry if You Discover Eggs

bearded dragon in sand
A bearded dragon relaxing in the sand. Credit: Pixabay


It’s true; a single female bearded dragon that has not been around a male beardie will lay eggs. In this instance, the eggs will be infertile, so you won’t have to worry about raising a batch of baby beardies. Female beardies typically lay infertile clutches between 12 and 18 months of age, but some have laid as young as six months.


Remember, if your female beardie has not come close to a male dragon and she produces eggs, the clutch will not have embryos. If she has been in the company of a male suitor, then the eggs may be fertile and should not be handled. Fertile eggs require special care, including soil temperatures of 80℉ to 85℉. Maintain humidity levels of 75%–– but don’t spray mist directly onto the eggs, as this increases the risk of mold formation.


Female Bearded Dragons Can Lay Dozens of Eggs

bearded dragon in substrate
A bearded dragon hatching. Credit: My Pet Reptiles


A bearded dragon can lay between 20 and 30 eggs around four times over several months. A female will typically lay twice a year, so don’t be surprised if your solitary beardie delivers a few unexpected eggs. If she doesn’t lay eggs, don’t panic. Yet, if you notice certain red flags, such as skin problems or a lack of energy, she may be deficient in minerals.


It is important to have your pet reptile assessed by a specialized veterinarian to prevent problems such as becoming egg-bound. An egg-bound beardie is life-threatening if not treated. Signs of egg-binding (and other illnesses that affect bearded dragons) include abdominal bloat, lethargy, restricted movement, and no interest in the nesting area.


Where Do Bearded Dragons Lay Eggs?

sand covered eggs
Eggs covered in sand. Credit: The Reptile Networks “Replicate, Emulate, Stimulate”


Constant digging is the first noticeable sign that your beardie is preparing to lay. Beardies that are going to produce eggs are called gravid, and once they start digging, they’re preparing their nest. At this stage, you need to provide the beardie with soft and slightly moist materials, making it easier for her to dig and bury her eggs. You can add a clay and soil mixture that is close to their natural habitat. Avoid the use of wood chips and normal sand because these can be ingested and lead to impaction in reptiles.


If you’re unsure as to which substrate is suitable for your egg-carrying reptile, speak to your local exotic vet or pet reptile provider.


Do Beardies Change Behavior When Laying Eggs?

someone petting bearded dragon
A bearded dragon being pet by its owner. Credit: Berry Patch Farms


A bearded dragon female will show signs that she’s preparing to lay eggs. You’ll notice that she will become less active. She may spend a fair amount of time under her heat lamp or on her heating pad and will sleep during the day. You’ll see physical changes too, such as a large belly as it starts to develop eggs. The eggs will be prominent, and you may be able to feel them when gently palpating the abdomen. Avoid handling an egg-laying bearded dragon too much. It creates stress, and there’s a high risk of damaging the embryos if you constantly press the bearded dragon’s abdomen.


What Do Fertile Bearded Dragon Eggs Look Like?

reptile laying eggs
Fertile eggs are usually round and white. Credit: Oddly Cute Pets


When your bearded dragon lays fertile eggs, they will appear white and firm to the touch. Fertile eggs are also rounder than infertile clutches, and you may notice slight pink areas where the embryo is implanted. Some keepers have unknowingly purchased bearded dragons that have produced fertile eggs and hatchlings.


If your female has befriended a male, and you aren’t sure whether the eggs are fertilized, you can use an egg candler to check them. But only handle the eggs a few days after they are laid, as too much manipulation can disrupt the embryo and destroy it. By carefully holding the egg to the candler, you should see blood vessels and the formation of an embryo. Rather than rotate the egg, move the candler for a better view. If the egg is clear, then it does not contain any developing baby dragons.


How to Care for Egg-Laying Bearded Dragons

two bearded dragons
Two bearded dragons basking. Credit: Pixabay


Once your female beardie has produced her clutch, it’s time to invest in a nutritious diet. Bearded dragons use a lot of calcium to produce their eggs, so replenish their nutrients by adding calcium-rich foods to their meals. The best foods include calci worms, butter worms, waxworms, and silkworms. You can feed calci worms three times a week but ration them to prevent excessive weight gain. Introduce collard greens if she’s willing to eat them.


In addition to healthy foods, introduce enrichment and lukewarm baths to soothe your beardie. Egg-laying is hard work, and she’ll certainly appreciate a gentle soaking. If you’ve bred your beardie, it is best to take her to a reptile vet for a thorough check-up and to help you determine whether the eggs are fertile.


When to Take Your Beardie to the Veterinarian

bearded dragon up close
A close-up of a bearded dragon. Credit: Pixabay


If you think that your bearded dragon is egg-bound, it is important to take them to a reptile veterinarian. As previously mentioned, an egg-bound lizard will die if they don’t receive the appropriate treatment. When a bearded dragon is laying eggs, but you notice that she’s struggling to deliver them, it’s time to travel to the vet.


When your bearded dragon lays eggs, don’t panic! Beardies that haven’t paired up with a mate will produce infertile eggs, so they will not hatch into baby dragons. Only female beardies that have bred with a male will deliver fertile clutches. If you see any sign that your pet beardie is in distress or ill, always have it evaluated by a professional veterinarian.




Lisa Szymanski
byLisa Szymanski

Lisa is a wildlife enthusiast who enjoys hiking and gardening and has four years of experience volunteering at pet shelters. She is the proud mom of two dogs, a Pitbull named Ragnar, a Boerboel named Blueberry, and four feisty chickens, or as she calls them, the \"queens of the yard,\" Goldie, Gray, Peaches, and Brownie.