Top 8 Interesting Zebra Facts

With their long, graceful legs and distinctive stripes, zebras are one of the most awe-inspiring African animals. Here are eight fun facts!

Jul 3, 2024byAdeline Ee

interesting zebra facts


Zebras, with their distinctive black and white stripes, are among the most recognizable animals on the African savanna. However, these striped equines possess several fascinating traits beyond their eye-catching coats.


Here, we delve into the captivating world of zebras, unveiling eight intriguing facts. From their unique stripes to their intricate social dynamics, prepare to be enlightened about the wonders of these enigmatic animals that have captured imaginations worldwide.


1. Zebras Live in Diverse Habitats

Zebra grazing in Ghana
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


These striped animals live in savannahs, grasslands, woodlands, shrublands, and even in the mountains. Zebras are among many animals native to Africa, and they are highly social, living in herds of up to several hundred individuals. They are also very vocal, communicating with each other through a variety of sounds including whinnies, brays, and snorts.


Here’s a bonus fun fact in this section: zebras have a close relationship with another African mammal, the giraffe. The two species often graze side-by-side, and they share a similar diet of leaves and herbs. They also have a powerful kick!


2. There Are Three Different Zebra Species

Types of Zebras
Image credit: Animal Spot


Although all zebras are from the genus Equus, they are separated into three distinct species: Grevy’s zebra, the plains zebra, and the mountain zebra. The most common ones you usually see in reputable zoos are probably plains zebras.


There are subtle differences between the breeds. For instance, Grevy’s zebras have the thinnest stripes, and their status is endangered. Plains zebras have the widest stripes, and their status is near threatened. Lastly, mountain zebra’s stripes have medium width, and their status is vulnerable.


It’s important that we help conserve these amazing animals. After all, zebras contribute a lot to their environments by helping manage vegetation and serving as dinner for apex predators.


3. Zebras Have Different Communication Styles 

two zebra grazing
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


Since they’re prey animals, zebras need to communicate with one another to warn each other of nearby predators. Collectively, they have six different vocal calls that they use. Two-syllable calls mean that predators are coming or attacking, while a one-syllable snort indicates happiness.


Other forms of communication are their facial expressions. When they greet each other, they will push their head forward and stick their ears up. If they’re, distressed they will push their ears back into their head.


4. Zebras Can Be Aggressive 

zebra showing teeth
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


It might come as a surprise to you, but zebras can also defend themselves from predators like lions. Zebras have been known to collectively kill lions with a swift kick to the jaw.


Zebras also fight each other for female attention, and the fights can become brutal with tails bitten off, broken bones, or even death. If you see a zebra in the wild that has scars from battles, most of the time, it was not because of predators––but a fellow zebra!


5. They Have Harems

zebra herd
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


Zebras can live in harems where one alpha male or stallion leads the pack, followed by several mares and their offspring. They will live together for years, making it into a somewhat stable family. This is because they’re social animals that live and travel in packs, which is very common among prey animals to protect against predators, like leopards and cheetahs.


6. They Can Sleep Standing Up

zebra in the desert
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


Zebras don’t need to lie down to rest and can sleep while standing up. This is something that comes naturally for them since they are prey animals and need to always be on alert in case of a predator attack. The process of standing up from a lying down position can sometimes be awkward and time-consuming because of their body shape.  But when they require a deep sleep, you may see them rest and lie down.


7. Their Stripes Are Like Fingerprints

Stripes on flank of Grévy s zebra
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


Although they might seem similar from afar, according to scientists there are no two zebras that have the same stripes. These patterns act as a form of identification, so they can recognize each other in herds.


Although some have speculated that these stripes also act as a defense mechanism against attackers or predators, recent findings confirm these stripes only act as camouflage from pests that may carry diseases. Another use for these stripes is to regulate temperature, seeing as that they live in habitats with extreme temperatures.


8. They Will Lose to a Horse in a Race

zebra running
Image credit: Wikimedia Commons


A zebra cannot outrun a horse. The top speed of a zebra is 40 miles an hour, while a horse’s top speed is up to 55 miles an hour. They’re also not very good animals to ride, because of their long body shape. Unlike a horse, you can only ride them for a short time because you may injure their back!


Their temperament is also another factor that should keep you from riding these mammals, as zebras are wild animals and notoriously more aggressive than horses.


Although zebras can seem tame and docile to many, they are aggressive creatures and completely wild, so if you meet one, be cautious. These fascinating and beautiful creatures can sure pack a kick.

Adeline Ee
byAdeline Ee

Adeline graduated from the University of Washington with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and Marketing. Originally from Singapore, she is a fanatic dog-lover and volunteers her time to help strays whenever she can, participating frequently in spay and neuter programs.