How to Get Rid of Cat Allergies Naturally

You can battle cat allergies using immunotherapy. However, you can also get rid of cat allergies naturally. Here’s how.

Jun 22, 2024byMonika Dimitrovska

how to get rid of cat allergies naturally

There’s nothing worse than loving cats but being allergic to them. Unfortunately, around 10% of the people in the US share this struggle.

We still don’t know why people develop allergies. However, you can develop symptoms from various allergens without knowing the exact reason. In the case of cats, it’s usually because of a protein called Fel d 1 that they produce.

So, how to you get rid of cat allergies? Immunotherapy is one way to go, but we found other, more natural options, which we’ll discuss below.

How to Get Rid of Cat Allergies Naturally?

stopping allergies

Image credit: Bruno from Pixabay

Cat allergies affect about 20% of adults worldwide, and they’re mainly triggered by a protein called Fel d1, produced by cats in glands under their skin. This allergen is found in their dander, fur, saliva, and more.

Managing cat allergies naturally can be hard since Fel d1 is persistent and can spread easily, especially if your cat follows you everywhere. Even without a feline in your home, these allergens can linger on fabric surfaces and become airborne within minutes.

While eliminating Fel d1 from your home is impossible, you can reduce your exposure by following certain steps. Here’s how to get rid of cat allergies naturally:

Take probiotics

You can boost your immune system by consuming yogurt or supplements.

Trying apple cider vinegar

Dilute apple cider vinegar in water and drink it. Apple cider vinegar may help reduce mucus production and boost your immune system.

Taking vitamin C daily

We also suggest eating vitamin C-rich foods or taking vitamin C supplements daily, as they can boost your immune system and reduce histamine levels.

lemons oranges

Image credit: freestocks from Unsplash

Saline nasal irrigation

You can clear your nasal passages with a saline solution to reduce congestion. Additionally, consider using natural nasal sprays with saline or herbal ingredients as they soothe nasal tissues.

New laundry habits

You can reduce cat allergens by washing your clothes and linens regularly, especially if you can’t quit cuddling with your furry companion. Also, wash your bedding in hot water weekly and keep your home sparkling clean at all times.

Note: Sometimes, cats sit on laptops, which can worsen your cat allergies, especially if you work from home or use your laptop regularly. So, if your cat occupies your laptop as well, wipe it clean before every use with disinfecting wipes for electronics.

Using a filter

Many pet owners reduce allergens in their homes by installing a HEPA air purifier. We suggest you do the same, especially if you have a male cat.

Experts suggest that non-neutered male cats produce more allergens than females and neutered ones. However, this doesn’t mean that female cats can’t cause allergies.

Any cat, including hairless cat breeds, can trigger allergic reactions. This is one of the things to know before adopting a kitten.

teddy bear sick

Image credit: Myriam Zilles from Unsplash

Dusting and vacuuming frequently

Vacuum your carpets and upholstery weekly. Simple things like these can help remove allergens from your home.

Additionally, make sure you clean your cat’s litter regularly. Otherwise, your furry companion might roam around your home, rubbing against things, cleaning themselves, and spreading cat dander further.

Note: A dirty litter box can harm your cat and everyone in your household, especially if the cat sleeps in their litter box.

Brushing and bathing your cat regularly

As we already mentioned, the protein that triggers allergic reactions remains in the fur, among other places. That’s why we suggest brushing your feline at least twice a week. Grooming your cat regularly will reduce shedding and keep your home clean.

You should also bathe your cat at least once a month with a gentle cat shampoo.

Tip: Wear a dust-filtering mask while brushing your furry friend. This helps lower the risk of inhaling airborne Fel d1 protein particles.

cat owner snuggling

Image credit: Oleg Ivanov from Unsplash

Neutering male cats

Neutering male cats can reduce allergen production, so consider neutering your male cat at a young age. The same goes for female cats.

Neutering and spaying these solitary animals can also benefit their overall health.

Changing your cat’s diet

Sometimes, a cat allergy can occur because your feline sheds too much hair because of their diet. You can reduce shedding in your pet by providing a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Limiting your cat’s movements

Keep your cat out of certain areas in your home. For instance, designate the bedroom or desk as a cat-free zone. Or, explore crate training, which has many benefits for both cats and owners.

Herbal Remedies

Try herbal remedies like butterbur, quercetin, stinging nettle, or spirulina under the guidance of a healthcare professional. They might help reduce some of your symptoms, but there’s no guarantee they will work.

How to Build Immunity to Cat Allergies?

cat standing bathroom

Image credit: Hector Bermudez from Unsplash

You can build immunity by taking probiotics, consuming apple cider vinegar, and eating foods rich in vitamin C or supplements daily. However, most people don’t approach cat allergies this way.

Instead, they’re using immunotherapy, which involves exposing yourself to small amounts of cat allergens over time. This can teach your immune system not to react so strongly, making your cat allergy symptoms less severe in the long run.

Final Tips

cat sitting bathtub

Image credit: mistermon from Unsplash

Owning a cat is good for your health despite cat allergies.

Now, while natural treatments such as the ones mentioned above can help some, they might not provide enough relief for everyone. If you’ve tried them and still struggle with cat allergies, we suggest seeing a specialized doctor.

Allergists can determine your triggers and suggest solutions that work for you.

Monika Dimitrovska
byMonika Dimitrovska

Monika is a pet enthusiast and seasoned copywriter with a tech degree. She loves writing, but her heart belongs to her two mixed dogs, Buba and Bono, a mother-son duo. Bono’s siblings found loving homes, sparking Monika’s advocacy for neutering and deepening her curiosity about animal care.\n\nBut Monika’s pet family doesn’t end there. She also has two cockatiels and two rescue cats, proving her home is a haven for creatures big and small.