How Long Can Parrots Live?

Learn about the parrot’s lifespan and how to ensure that these birds live a full and healthy life.

Jul 27, 2024byChristopher Dyke

how long can parrots live


Parrots are some of the smartest and most beautiful birds on the planet, so it’s no surprise that they make popular pets. There are dozens of different types available in the pet trade, and most pet stores will stock everything you need to keep the smaller species. 


Parrots make wonderful companions, but it’s important to consider their natural longevity. In this guide, I’ll discuss the potential lifespan of various parrot types and help you decide whether they are the right pets for you. Let’s get started! 


Factors that Affect Parrot Lifespan

amazon parrot african gray parrot
Image credit: By Philip Nalangan – Own work, CC BY 4.0


Wild parrots are vulnerable to many threats, including predators, storms, droughts, hunters, and diseases. However, parrots are relatively long-lived birds, especially in captivity. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that some parrots live as long as humans, although that’s only possible with excellent care.


While pet birds have less chance of being eaten by a predator or injured in a storm, they do rely on us for everything they need. Let’s take a closer look at some of the factors that affect the lifespan of captive parrots.  



pair lovebirds
Image credit: By Peter Békési – originally posted to Flickr as IMG_0692, CC BY-SA 2.0


Access to a healthy, balanced diet is incredibly important because captive birds can’t go out and forage for themselves. Unfortunately, pets that are fed only seeds or human food may not reach their full potential. Instead, parrots need a varied diet that includes both dried and fresh foods. Read our essential parrot diet guide to learn much more about what parrots eat. 


Enclosure and Environment

Cage size, hygiene, and the temperature in your home also play a big role. A bird kept in a cramped and dirty space will be stressed and more susceptible to disease and early death. Pet owners should research the needs of their particular species and set up an appropriate cage or aviary before they purchase a parrot.


Enrichment and Companionship

Parrots are social birds, and most species live in groups or pairs in the wild. These birds need plenty of attention and companionship from their owners, and their enclosure should include toys to enrich their lives. Read this guide to 5 enrichment ideas for keeping your parrot’s beak and brain occupied. 


Medical Care

Accidents happen, and parrots can contract various illnesses, so it’s vital that you consult with a qualified veterinarian if your pet is sick or injured. It’s best to find a suitable veterinarian in your area from the start; that way, you’ll know exactly who to call in an emergency. 


Different parrot species have different potential lifespans, regardless of the quality of care you can provide. Read on to learn about some popular parrot life expectancies.  


Cockatoo Lifespan

cookie major mitchell s cockatoo
Image credit: By [Nimesh M] – originally posted to Flickr as DSC05251, CC BY-SA 2.0

Cockatoos are a group of parrots from Australasia and Southeast Asia. Some species grow very large and have impressive lifespans, although even the smaller cockatiel can live for over twenty years if well taken care of. 


One of the world’s oldest confirmed parrots was Cookie, a Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo that lived at the Brookfield Zoo in Illinois, USA. This amazing bird (pictured above) passed away in 2016 at the age of 82. Anna Young mentions an even older bird (a salmon-crested cockatoo) that lived for 92 years! While most cockatoos won’t live that long in captivity, many will live over forty years with good care. 


Macaw Lifespan

blue and yellow macaw bird
Image credit: By Michael Gäbler, CC BY 3.0


Macaws are among the largest parrots in the world, and they are also the most colorful! These impressive birds occur in South America and up to Mexico in North America, although they are popular pets all over the world. 


Macaws reach impressive ages, and some may live for over 50 years with good care. There is even a report of a macaw that lived for well over a hundred years, although confirmed records max out in the eighties. Keeping these birds can be a lifelong commitment! 


African Grey Parrot Lifespan

african grey parrot cage
Image credit: By Acabashi – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0


The African grey parrot is better known for its intelligence than its color. These remarkable talking birds are excellent mimics that can learn human words with ease! Like other large parrots, African greys have the potential to live a long time. 


African grey parrots in the wild face many threats, including predators like primates and birds of prey, so their lifespan is reduced to a little over 20 years. In captivity, however, you can expect a healthy specimen to live between 40 and 60 years.


Budgerigar and Parakeet Lifespan 

budgerigar birds cage
Image credit: By Parkieten, CC BY-SA 3.0


The budgerigar (also known as the common parakeet) is a small parrot species from Australia that makes an excellent pet bird. These colorful parrots have a significantly shorter lifespan than some of the other species mentioned above, although the Guinness World Record budgie lived an impressive 29 years! With good care, budgies can live for over ten years, although five to eight is their average lifespan. 


Would you like to learn more about these beautiful birds? Read this fascinating article to discover six interesting facts about budgies. 


Christopher Dyke
byChristopher Dyke

Chris shares his home with one dog, three rabbits, two rats, and a whole lot of fish! He’s been crazy about nature and animals since he could talk, and his background includes work in wildlife conservation and professional writing. When he’s away from the keyboard, you can find Chris out camping, fishing, and enjoying the great outdoors.