How Far Can Cats Fall Without Injury?

Cats have an incredible ability to land on their feet, but how far can cats fall without injury? The answer may surprise you.

Jan 5, 2025byKenny Jarvis

how far can cats fall without injury


Cats are curious creatures and there’s a reason they are said to have nine lives. While that is obviously a myth, they have an incredible survival instinct, which includes the way they fall. As most people know, they have an incredible ability to always land on their feet.


They also like to climb, and this can give cat owners a lot of fear should they slip and fall. But should you be worried if your cat falls from the likes of a curtain pole or the top of a stairwell? Let’s find out. 


How Far Can Cats Fall Without Injury?

white cat falling
White cat falling from trees – Photo from


Let’s start by tackling the title question. The answer isn’t straightforward as there are several factors at play. While cats have incredible natural instincts, it is still possible that they can make mistakes and not land correctly.


One human falling from six feet could be perfectly fine, and another could break their ankle. This is the same for cats, although the heights are increased. In reality, a cat falling from three stories or lower is likely to have no severe injuries, but it is still possible.


Even if your cat falls from a low height, you should check it over and keep an eye on them. As we’ve just about to explore, one of the many incredible features of cats is they can survive a fall from much, much higher than that.


The Science Behind Cats’ Falling Abilities

cat twisting while falling
Cat twisting body after falling – Photo from NPR


The ability of a cat to survive a long fall comes from both its body structure and instinctive reflexes. Cats have a low body weight with a relatively large surface area. This ultimately means they have a low terminal velocity, which is the maximum speed an object reaches as it falls.


When cats fall, they spread out their bodies to increase air resistance and slow their descent. When you combine this with their unique skeletal structure, it makes them capable of falling from significant heights. They have no collarbones and with flexible spines, they can absorb a huge amount of shock.


Then there is also their famous righting reflex. Even from an extremely low height, cats can twist their bodies rapidly to always land on their feet. This also ensures they survive falls as it means they are always in the right position to minimize impact.


How Far Can Cats Fall and Survive?

cat jumping in the air
Cat jumping in the air – Photo from Newsweek


The answer is complicated. Cats can theoretically survive a fall of any height. This is due to the terminal velocity we mentioned. There comes a point where an object can’t fall any faster due to the force acting against it, such as wind resistance. For humans, their terminal velocity is about 120mph (200 km/h). For cats, it’s around 60 mph (97 km/h).


Falling at this speed, there is a good chance a cat will survive. They will reach this speed after falling for around 65 feet (20 meters). So, it doesn’t matter if the fall is from 20 meters, or 2,000, the cat still has roughly the same chance of survival. However, it’s important to note that even with survival, significant injuries are possible.


There is also research to suggest that cats can actually benefit from falling from greater heights, as it gives them more time to right themselves and relax. There is a dangerous middle ground where the likelihood of serious injuries increases. It’s no wonder there is a myth about cats having nine lives!


Safe Heights vs. Danger Zones

cat jumping from building
Cat jumping from a building – Photo from


At 0-3 stories, a cat is likely to survive. It may still sustain injuries the higher up it is, but they can usually absorb the impact without needing emergency veterinary care. It’s still worth getting them checked out if you have any concerns. A fall from one story is unlikely to be an issue.


3-7 stories is the most dangerous zone, and despite it being a common myth, cats don’t always land on their feet. At this distance, they’ll reach terminal velocity but may not have the time to right themselves properly and absorb impact. The likelihood of serious injury is increased.


At 7+ stories, they may actually suffer fewer injuries but death is still a sad possibility. By the time they hit the ground, they are fully prepared for the fall. There was even a report of a cat falling onto concrete from the 32nd floor of a high-rise building and surviving, even though it did require surgery. 


Factors That Affect a Cat’s Fall Survival

cat perched in tree
A cat perched in a tree – Photo from Wisdom Panel


It’s important to respect that not all cats have the same chance of surviving a fall. Aside from the height, there are other key factors to consider. The health and age of a cat play a big role in this. Younger cats will have more flexibility and won’t have arthritis which can be a common condition in older cats.


Heavier cats will also be likely to suffer from more injuries and are less likely to survive the impact force. Obese cats will also be less agile and won’t be as adept at controlling their body during a fall.


The landing surface is also important. Softer surfaces such as grass or soil are going to be more forgiving than harder surfaces such as concrete or tile. Finally, there is the simple factor that some cats have better awareness and reflexes than others. 


What to Do If Your Cat Falls

cat after cliff fall
Cat recovering after a fall – Photo from Newsweek


Cats are incredibly resilient creatures and can seemingly be unharmed from falls and other blows. However, you should never presume your cat is okay even if they look like it. Even from a low height, keep a check on them for any signs of discomfort.


If they have fallen from a significant height, seek veterinary care at the earliest opportunity. Some injuries are obvious, but others may not be immediately visible. They could have internal injuries, such as damage to internal organs.


Other injuries such as broken bones, sprains, and torn ligaments will be much more obvious. The golden rule here is that it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you have any doubts, put your mind at ease by taking them to the vet. 




Kenny Jarvis
byKenny Jarvis

Kenny is a passionate animal lover who finds joy in the diverse world of pets. He frequently embarks on zoo adventures with his children, immersing himself in the wonders of nature. At home, Kenny tends to a much-loved aquarium, nurturing a thriving underwater ecosystem. Through his passion for writing, he aims to help fellow animal lovers create happy and healthy environments for their pets.