A Guide to Camping with Dogs: 5 Things to Know

Thinking of bringing your dog on a camping trip? Here’s everything you need to know about camping with them!

Mar 12, 2025byLauren Rey

guide to camping with dogs things to know


Camping with dogs can be a lot of fun! It can also be a little stressful if you are not prepared. There are some things that should be considered ahead of time to help make the trip a little smoother and give you and your pup more time to relax by the campfire.


1. Consider Whether Your Dog Would Enjoy Camping

dog in a tent
A dog in a tent. Image from Facebook


While most dogs love spending time outdoors, not all dogs will do well on a camping trip. Some dogs have anxiety in new places or are easily startled by noises. If your dog shows signs of stress in these types of situations, have a discussion with your veterinarian before your trip. They can help you decide whether you should attempt camping with your dog. Your vet can also guide you in managing your dog’s anxiety.


It’s a good idea to assess your dog’s capabilities ahead of time and maybe even do a practice run with them first. A shorter, one-night camping trip close to home can help you determine their comfort level and get them used to the setup. You could even camp out in your backyard! It’s a good way to test your gear as well.


Remember to also check the weather when taking your dog camping. If it’s going to be hot, it may be best for your furry friend to sit that one out. Rain can also be a factor to consider. You may be fine hanging in your tent all day if it’s raining, but how will your dog feel?


2. Choose a Dog-Friendly Campsite

beagle with owner
A Beagle snuggling with its owner. Image from Galli Beer Corp


Make sure you choose a campground that allows dogs, but also consider your dog’s needs when picking a site. Many campgrounds have online reservation systems where you can view photos and maps. You’ll want to see how far the dog walking area may be from your site and how much traffic and noise there may be. Even dog-friendly campgrounds have rules about excessive barking. If your dog barks excessively, you may want to choose a site at the end of a row.


If you are taking your dog into the backcountry or primitive camping, take some extra precautions. Consider things like local wildlife threats, places to secure your dog’s leash, and making sure you have enough water.


3. Keep Your Dog’s Regular Routine

dog in sleeping bag
A dog beside its sleeping owner in a tent. Image by Tote Hunde e.V.


Even the most seasoned adventure dogs may experience stress with changes in their routine or environment. It helps to give them a space of their own to retreat to with some comforting items from home. Be sure to pack some of their favorite toys and treats. Bring along their favorite blanket or bedding, and make sure your tent has enough room for them. Try to keep them on the same feeding and walking schedule as they were at home. Dogs get used to eating and relieving themselves around the same times every day. If your dog thinks they are skipping a meal or potty break, they may get very anxious.


4. Keep Your Dog on a Leash

husky watching campfire
A mixed-breed dog wearing a hat and sweater. Image by Odie Pet Insurance


Most campgrounds require dogs to always be leashed, and even if they don’t, it’s best for your dog’s safety. There are a few options to keep your dog secured to your campsite. Many people attach their dog’s leash to a picnic table or use a “tie-out” stake in the ground. These options will work fine, but they aren’t the most comfortable for your dog. Depending on how much your dog likes to roam, they may get stuck on things or knock things over. Try doing a test run with a tether before traveling with your dog.


5. Brush Up on Camping Safety Tips

dogs by campfire with family
A family camping with their dogs. Image by Kim and Kalee


You want your dog to have a great time camping, but you also want to keep them safe. There are some potential risks to your dog around the campsite you’ll want to mitigate.


Make sure your dog is up to date on all their vaccines and parasite prevention. Campgrounds can unfortunately be a common place for dogs to get exposed to ticks, heartworm-carrying mosquitos, or leptospirosis-carrying wildlife. It’s a good idea to do a tick check once a day and when you return home.


Keep Fido away from the fire! Whether it’s the campfire, grill, or portable stove, your furry friend’s nose may lead them right to it when they smell that delicious food you are cooking. Even after the fire is put out, wood, coals, and metal can remain hot for hours.


dog campfire
A Husky resting beside a campfire. Image by Outdoor Andrew


Be aware of local wildlife and heed all posted warnings. If you are backcountry camping in an area with predators, you may want to reconsider bringing your dog. They can be viewed as prey by certain animals like mountain lions, coyotes, and grizzly bears.


Keep an eye on the temperature and don’t let your pet get overheated. Heatstroke can occur very quickly and be very dangerous. Follow warm weather pet safety protocols and don’t camp with your dog during the hottest times of the year.


Before you head to the campgrounds, it’s a good idea to look up the closest veterinary emergency room in the area. Even if we take all precautions to keep our pets safe, accidents happen. You’ll want to know where to go just in case. You should also keep a dog first aid kit with you to treat minor cuts, scrapes, or insect stings.




Lauren Rey
byLauren Rey

A lover of all animals, Lauren’s background is in the veterinary world, but she is now a content writer on travel, wildlife, and all things pets! She’s based in Florida, but when not writing, she’s usually plotting out a new road trip route with her partner-in-crime. Pickles is a mixed-breed rescue dog that loves hiking, road trips, and Starbucks just as much as her mom does!