Do Pygmy Goats Make Good Pets?

Pygmy goats make wonderful pets. Here’s how to care for them properly!

Sep 26, 2024byDarren Ryding

do pygmy goats make good pets


Pygmy goats are popular exotic pets because of their adorable appearance and playful nature. It’s relatively easy to care for them, unlike other types of livestock. 


However, like every animal, they present different challenges. Budding owners should do their research before bringing their goats home. They’re a huge responsibility, even though they’re fairly low maintenance. In this guide, we’ll look at why pygmy goats make good pets and the best tips for caring for them.


First: What Are Pygmy Goats?

two baby goats
Pygmy goat kids outside. Image Credit: Science


Pygmy goats are a special type of miniature goats. Originally known as Cameroonian Pygmy goats, these cute creatures hailed from West Africa. They became popular in Europe and the U.S. in the 1950s. 


Now, there are more varieties, including the American Pygmy Goat. Male pygmies are about 22 inches tall, while females are even shorter. Traditionally, farmers reared them for meat, but now, these adorable animals are popular pets. It’s easy to see why they’re so appealing. Their tiny stature and playful nature make them very cute. 


These goats are common on pet farms but now many homeowners are keeping them too. Owning pygmy goats is a big responsibility because they’re not regular domestic pets. However, it can be very rewarding, too. They’re also a great entry point into owning livestock because they’re easier to manage than bigger animals. However, it’s very important to do your research before buying pygmy goats. 


Pygmy Goats Can Make Good Pets

goats about to butt heads
Two pygmy goat kids playing. Image Credit: ThoughtCo.


The good news is that goats make excellent pets. It’s relatively easy to care for them, unlike bigger goats. Arguably the most important point is that they show genuine affection to their human owners. Pygmies interact with people and enjoy playing with them. 


However, it’s important to note that goats are herd animals. It’s better to keep two pygmies because they get lonely if they’re alone. They also will become bored and may engage in destructive behavior. Yes, two pygmies mean twice the cost, but it’s better for the animals’ mental health. Pygmy goats do get along with other animals including dogs and pigs. They’re a great addition to your home if you can give them the care they need.


Are Pygmy Goats High-Maintenance?

goat on a sandy hill
An American pygmy goat outside. Image Credit: A to Z Pets


Pygmy goats are relatively easy to care for. They require plenty of space and love climbing and jumping. Some suppliers provide high-end climbing structures for goats. But pygmies will climb on anything from children’s playground equipment to empty crates. Their size also means that it’s easy to handle them. Bigger goats can be stressful because of their independent nature and surprising strength. Pygmies eat less than larger animals and don’t require as much space. 


These goats will graze on grass and hay. However, they’ll also raid your flower garden if you don’t secure it. Unlike other goats, pygmies don’t require milking because they’re a meat breed. Many owners feed them special pellets to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. They need constant access to clean water and you must change their bedding regularly. Otherwise, they run the risk of contracting parasites like worms, mites, and fleas. Take care that they don’t eat poisonous garden plants like rhododendrons. Also, avoid allowing them to consume other animals’ food. These little guys love to eat, and being overweight exposes a pygmy goat to many health problems. 


Can You Keep Pygmy Goats in Your Garden? 

two white and grey goats
A pair of pet pygmy goats. Image Credit: Pet Helpful


Owners can keep pygmies in their gardens, but they must secure them appropriately. It’s crucial to understand that goats are smart. They can also climb and jump very high. This is as true for pygmies as it is for Rocky Mountain Goats. You must have a fence of at least four meters high around your premises to prevent the goats from escaping. Be careful not to place any potential climbing aids nearby. Don’t put playground equipment or climbing structures near the fence. Move them into the center of the garden, so the goats don’t use them to escape. 


Ensure that there is a suitable shelter in your garden for the goats. There are many different types of goat houses available, from wooden huts to recycled plastic shelters. Consider the climate because rain, snow, and intense sunlight can cause severe weathering. You may also require a livestock number, depending on the jurisdiction. This is common for farmed animals, so check with local authorities. 


Do Pygmy Goats Have Health Issues?

four goats standing on hay
Adorable pygmy goat kids. Image Credit: St George News


Pygmy goats rarely suffer from health problems if their owners care for them properly. Generally, goats are hardy and robust animals that can live in severe conditions. They should be fine if you provide them with a healthy diet and keep their shelter clean. Johne’s Disease is one of the most common serious goat health conditions. This is like human leprosy and causes a wasting of the small intestine. Usually, it’s fatal but luckily, it’s not widespread. 


Lactating female goats can experience udder infections if their bedding isn’t clean. Always change their straw regularly to reduce the chance of problems. Ensure that they have a well-ventilated shelter too to lower the risk of pneumonia. Most goat-related illnesses are very avoidable. 


Are All Pygmy Goats the Same? 

a brown and black goat
An adult pygmy goat. Image Credit: Southwick’s Zoo


Many people use the term “pygmy goat” as an all-encompassing term for miniature goat breeds. Pygmy goats are indeed the most common mini species in the Western Hemisphere. However, several other types are technically not pygmies. The Nigerian Dwarf Goat also hails from Africa. Purebred dwarf goats are more expensive than standard Cameroonian pygmy goats. They also produce very high-quality milk. 


Nigora goats are a type of long-haired miniature goat. They’re the result of crossbreeding between Angora and Nigerian Dwarf. Breeders raise them for their milk and fibers. They’re also more expensive but they’re low maintenance. Any type of miniature goat will make a great pet! There’s something for everybody, but always do your research before getting any new animals. 




Darren Ryding
byDarren Ryding

Darren is a passionate animal lover. He grew up on an organic vegetable farm with an ensemble of adopted animals including pygmy goats, pot-belly pigs, and donkeys. He currently lives with his Vietnamese rescue dog Bee.