5 Common Cat Sleeping Positions & What They Mean

Cat sleeping positions can tell you a lot about how your cat is feeling. Here are five of the most common ones!

Sep 3, 2024byRyan Brennan

common cat sleeping positions what they mean


We all need our beauty sleep – and cats are no different. In fact, most cats end up sleeping between 12 and 18 hours each day, and they tend to sleep in intervals of 1-2 hours – instead of sleeping all at once.


But like humans, cats don’t sleep in just one position. 


You might notice your cat sleeping a certain way one moment, and then a different way the next moment. And believe it or not, your cat’s sleeping position could tell you a lot about how your cat is doing/feeling. 


1. The Loaf of Bread

orange cat sleeping bread loaf


The ‘loaf of bread’ is one of the most common sleeping positions for cats. You’ll know it when you see it – your cat will sit upright with their front paws crossed and tucked under their body, like a loaf of bread.


I like to call this position the ‘ready for anything’ position. 


If you see your cat in this position, it means they’re relaxed and ready for a quick nap, but also ready to spring into action if needed. It also helps your cat conserve heat, while protecting its vital organs. 


This position brings a cat back to their natural habitat, where they need to be alert at all times. That’s why you’ll see them with their eyes half closed – just in case a predator approaches and they need to run off.


2. Belly Side Up

cat sleeping belly side up


Every now and then, you’ll see your cat laying on their back with their belly exposed and legs stretched out – as if they don’t have a care in the world about what’s going on in the environment around them.


If you see your cat sleeping like this, take it as a compliment. 


Sleeping belly side up is a good sign that your cat feels comfortable, safe, and secure in your presence. Even if they aren’t the type to enjoy a good belly rub, this is one of those times they might let it slide. 


With that said, you would never see your cat sleep like this in the wild or in a new environment. It’s one of the most vulnerable positions they could be in and puts them at risk of being attacked by a predator.


3. Hiding Their Face

cat sleeping hiding face


Have you ever felt a sudden urge to pull the covers over your head while sleeping? Well, maybe you and your cat aren’t that different after all – because they do the same thing, but with their paws and forelegs. 


There are several reasons why they might be sleeping like this. 


If they’re only covering their eyes and nose, then chances are they’re trying to keep their nose warm and block any incoming light from ruining their beauty sleep. Like humans, cats like to sleep in the dark, too. 


On the other hand, if they have their entire head buried in their arms, then they likely want some peace and quiet and are letting you (and anyone else) know that they don’t want to be disturbed while sleeping. 


4. The Superman

cat sleeping superman


The ‘Superman’ might be one of the most adorable and funny-looking cat sleeping positions. It’s when they’re laying flat on their belly with their four paws stretched out – like they’re flying through the air.


Don’t lie – we’ve all been there before. 


This sleeping position usually means that they’re extremely relaxed and are in the middle of a deep sleep. If you see your cat sleeping like this, do your best not to disturb them – they’re in a state of tranquility.


You might also see your cat sleeping like this on a cold and hard surface – especially if they’re trying to stay cool in a warm or hot environment. Of course, they could just be dreaming that they’re Clark Kent. 


5. Curled-Up Crescent

cat sleeping crescent


The curled-up crescent is one of the most common sleeping positions – along with the loaf of bread. It’s when your cat curls up with their head touching their back paws and their tail tucked into their body. 


It’s the go-to sleeping position for most cats. 


This sleeping position either means your cat is chilly and trying to maximize their body warmth or they feel vulnerable and want to protect their organs. Either way, they’re preparing to be in a deep state of sleep.


The next time you see your cat sleeping, take a moment to observe their positioning – you might learn a thing or two about how your cat is feeling in that moment, bringing you and your cat even closer together.


What Do Cat Sleeping Positions Mean?

orange cat sleeping bed


When’s the last time you looked at a sleeping cat and thought, “Why do cats sleep in weird positions?” 


Don’t worry – it’s a valid thought, and one that all cat owners have at one point or another. But even though they might look weird or uncomfortable, there’s a valid reason why they’re sleeping like that. 


It could be because they’re cold and want to maximize their body warmth, or maybe they’re trying to let you know that they don’t want to be disturbed while they sleep. Either way, cats have their reasons.




Ryan Brennan
byRyan Brennan

Ryan is a content writer with 10+ years of experience in the field. He is the proud owner of a white domestic short-haired cat with black spots named Jaxx - he looks like a cow, but acts and sounds like a cat. They enjoy doing laps around the house with a laser pointer and snuggling when it’s time for bed. Ryan hopes to give Jaxx a puppy friend someday.