Cats and Dogs: Friends or Foes?

Whether a cat and dog can coexist depends on their age, breed, and personality. Some dogs are better suited for living with cats than others.

Sep 27, 2024bySari Boudreau

cats and dogs friends or foes


We often think of cats and dogs as mortal enemies, but they can end up being the best of friends. While cats tend to be more aloof, dogs are much more social. But this doesn’t mean that they can’t easily share the same space. Today we are going to look at ways to help dogs and cats get along with each other. Let’s get started!


Your Pets’ Personalities Dictate Their Relationship  

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Image credit: Nylabone


Many people think that there are certain breeds of dogs and cats that just aren’t going to get along, no matter what you do. This is a myth. Whether a cat and a dog can get along has nothing to do with the breeds, but everything to do with their personalities.


For instance, if the dog has a strong prey drive, chances are, it isn’t going to get along well with a cat, especially a cat that is skittish. It is the same if you try to introduce a senior dog to a kitten. The dog will just want to be left to its own devices, while the kitten will want to play. This is sure to cause stress for both parties. 


Before getting any pet, it is important that you do your research. Learn as much as you can about the personalities of each animal. Ask the breeders, previous owners, or shelters (wherever you are getting your pets) about whether the animals have lived with other animals, and how well they got along.


Train Your Dog to Control Any Impulsiveness

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Image credit: Maui Humane Society


A great way to make sure that a dog and a cat can get along is to train the dog to control their impulsivity. For instance, if you have a dog that is quick to jump at anything, it may take a bit of training to keep it from jumping at a cat.


Experts recommend that you don’t introduce a dog to a cat until the dog has been trained to be more relaxed and less impulsive. Then, it is important to make sure you have a leash at the ready during that first meeting, just in case.


Create Places for Your Pets to Retreat  

cat territory
Image credit: Petsfit


Before bringing a dog into your home, it is advisable to set up a private territory for your cat. This will give the cat a space where it can feel safe. This space should be one that is off-limits for other animals, and in an area that only the cat can get into. It is a good idea to keep cat toys and shelters separate from the dog’s stuff.


Having this space will allow the cat to be able to retreat when it is not comfortable, where it won’t be bothered by the dog. Cats love to be in boxes, and they are also climbers. So, you might want to invest in a small cat house, or a cat tree that your cat can climb onto to get away from a stressful situation.


It is also important to teach the dog to stay away from the cat’s litter box. This is a spot where your cat should feel safe, and not have to worry about being bothered. In addition, if your dog likes to snack on litter box droppings, it could end up getting sick from internal parasites that cause common health issues. 


Mentally and Physically Stimulate Your Dog

stimulate dog
Image credit: Goodreads


Most dog owners know that their pets need regular exercise to stay healthy. But many pet owners don’t realize that their pets also require mental stimulation in addition to physical activity. Dogs need to have an abundance of both mental and physical stimulation to control their impulses.


Some experts recommend using specific toys to provide stimulation for your dog, as well as playing games that involve herding activities, learning tricks, and coursing. Don’t simply take your dog for a walk. Instead, use your walks as part of training. Use the sit and stay commands several times throughout your walks, change direction every so often, and switch up your walking speed.


If you find that you are unable to properly train your dog, there are still other options. You can hire a professional dog trainer. You can also enroll your pup in a doggy daycare, where they will receive lots of additional training as per your wishes.


Plan the Right Time for Introductions 

first meeting
Image credit: Copper Canyon Australian Labradoodles



The timing for that first meeting between a cat and dog is very important. It is often recommended that the first meeting be at mealtime. Make sure that the animals are in separate spaces, with a door between them. At this point, they will smell one another, and they will learn to associate each other’s smells with meals. Do this for every meal for a few weeks, and then slowly allow them to see each other while still feeding them separately.


There is no reason why a dog and cat can’t get along and live together in the same household. Yes, it is going to take a little work on your part to make this happen, but the result will be more than worth it, as your pets could form a strong interspecies friendship. 




Sari Boudreau
bySari Boudreau

Sari is an animal lover with more than a decade of experience in writing about animal breeding, pet care, raising farm animals, and just about anything else to do with pets. She has three cats, Pink Floyd (more like a dog trapped in a cat's body), Buzz Buzz, and Hoggle, and she feeds the feral cats that hang out around her home. In her spare time, she loves photography, reading, painting, playing the guitar, swimming, and going to yard sales/thrift stores.