Like anything in life, there are both pros and cons to letting your cat roam freely outdoors.
It allows the cat to engage in natural behaviors and ensures they’re getting the physical activity they need to stay healthy. But at the same time, it exposes the cat to a wide range of risks and potential dangers.
For that reason, owners must go above and beyond to ensure their outdoor cat is safe in the wild — and I’ve picked out a few high-tech gadgets that can help you do just that!
First and Foremost: Microchip Your Cat
Of all the devices and gadgets available today, perhaps none are more important for outdoor cats than a microchip.
A cat microchip is a type of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) device no larger than a grain of rice. It gets implanted underneath the cat’s skin, usually between the shoulder blades. Once implanted, a veterinarian can use an RFID scanner to activate the cat’s identification number, which is linked to information about the cat and its owner (you).
All outdoor cats are recommended to have microchips. If something were to go wrong, you would be notified as soon as the cat is taken to a vet.
Plus, there are so many other cool things you can do when your cat has a microchip — which leads me to our five cat gadgets every outdoor cat owner should consider owning.
1. Microchip-Activated Cat Door
A cat door can give your outdoor cat the freedom to come and go as they please. But one of the biggest issues owners have with a cat door is that it doesn’t do anything to stop other critters from entering your home — including squirrels, racoons and other cats.
Enter the microchip-activated cat door.
As long as your cat has a microchip and the door is linked to their identification number, your cat will be the only thing allowed to enter and exit. If any other animal tries, the cat door will simply stay locked.
Plus, most high-tech cat doors give owners the ability to customize their preferences. For example, you can set it to allow your cat to enter but not exit, or vice versa.
2. Automatic Cat Feeders
Outdoor cats are naturally going to hunt and find their own food when out and about, but that doesn’t mean they’ll always be successful.
Then again, they don’t have to be — that’s why they have you.
Unfortunately, most cat owners run into the same two problems when leaving food out for their cat:
- The food is rarely fresh by the time the cat gets to it.
- The food is an open invitation to other hungry critters.
That’s why I recommend getting an automatic cat feeder, preferably a microchip-activated one – which works a lot like the cat door, explained above.
The food stays covered until your cat walks up. Once it reads your cat’s ID number, the cover opens, and your cat eats. If any other critter tries to eat, the cover stays closed.
Water dispensers and water filters can also help make sure your cat always has fresh water.
3. GPS Tracking Devices
Why worry over the whereabouts of your cat when you don’t have to? With a GPS tracking device, you can keep an eye on your cat 24/7 and have real-time updates on where they are and what they’re doing.
In fact, some high-tech collars are pre-fitted with GPS devices, so all you need to do is put the collar on your cat. All the monitoring happens through an app on your phone.
You can even set an “authorized zone” for your cat and receive notifications anytime they leave that area.
And in the event your cat hasn’t moved in a while or goes missing, you’ll know where to find them and can quickly get them the help they need, if they need it.
So, yes, a GPS collar is definitely a good investment for anyone who owns an outdoor cat.
4. Cat Collar with Camera
If you want to take your monitoring to the next level, attach a small camera to your cat’s collar — it comes with so many benefits!
For example, they can be used for recording memorable moments, security purposes or checking on your cat’s health. They also give owners a chance to experience their cat’s life from their point of view. You’ll get to see where your cat goes, the things they encounter, and how they respond to them when you’re not there to protect them.
And don’t worry, most collar cameras are designed to be comfortable, lightweight and water-resistant.
5. Pet-Friendly Security Cameras
A collar camera is nice, but not all cats will respond well to the added weight on their neck — even though it’s not that heavy.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t set up security cameras outside to, at the very least, keep an eye on your cat when it’s near your home. This is especially helpful if you place the camera near their food and water bowls.
Most outdoor cameras are motion-sensitive, so you’ll receive updates whenever your cat is around and can review that footage to make sure they’re not hurt, limping or in need of help.
Trail cameras and hunting cameras also work well and can be set up throughout the yard for even more coverage.
Other Tips for Keeping Outdoor Cats Safe
If you own an outdoor cat, then cat safety has to be at the top of your priority list each and every day.
While technology can certainly help you do that, as evidenced above, there are still plenty of things owners can do to ensure their cat is safe.
For example, making sure your phone number is on their collar can help others get a hold of you if something goes wrong. You should also try your best to train your cat to come home often by incentivizing them with treats and playtime. If you make it worth their while, they’ll come back.
I would also recommend building an “outdoor catio,” which is just an outdoor shelter for a cat. If you don’t have a cat door, a catio gives them shelter until you let them in.
At the end of the day, your cat’s safety is important and as long as you’re doing your part, your cat will appreciate it — even if they can’t express it.