Caring for Pillbugs: What Owners Should Know

Pillbugs are pretty cool little creatures that are easy to care for. If you’ve ever considered owning some pillbug pets, read below to find out more!

Oct 21, 2024byNikita Hillier

caring for pillbugs what owners should know


If you want a totally cute pet to dote on, these are the ones! Pillbugs, also known as roly-polies, are some pretty fascinating creatures that make for surprisingly fun and engaging pets! These tiny little crustaceans, relatives of crabs and shrimp, are great for pet enthusiasts of all ages. 


They’re easy to care for and have really unique behaviors that are interesting to watch. If you’re looking to keep some pillbugs as pets or already have them, here are some essential things you should know!


1. These Bugs Need Humid Environments

pillbug rolled up on dirt
A curled-up pillbug. Image Credit: PBS


It is no secret that pillbugs are pretty low-maintenance creatures. However, they still need very specific conditions to truly thrive. For starters, they need a well-ventilated terrarium or fish tank that has a secure lid. 


For a smaller group, a 10-gallon tank is pretty good. Just make sure it has enough space for the bugs to roam and burrow. You need to use a substrate that keeps moisture well, like a mix of soil, leaf litter, and peat moss. 


Pillbugs prefer a humid environment. It is important to maintain the humidity levels between 60-80% by misting the enclosure often. The ideal temperature for these little guys is between 65-75°F (18-24°C). It is crucial to avoid putting them in direct sunlight or exposing them to extreme temperature fluctuations.


You need to include lots of hiding spaces for them in their enclosure. They need stones, small logs, and pieces of bark. These little creatures are nocturnal, so they need dark, secluded areas to feel secure. 


2. Pillbugs Thrive on a Well-Balanced Diet

pillbug walking over soil and dirt
A pillbug in dirt. Image Credit: University of Maryland Extension


Pillbugs are detritivores. This means that they primarily feed on decomposing organic matter. Keeping their diet consistent is crucial for their health and maintaining the balance of their habitat. You need to provide them with a varied diet that includes decomposing wood, leaves, and other types of organic matter.


Make sure you supplement their diet with fruits and vegetables like carrots, apple slices, and leafy greens. Just avoid citrus fruits as they can entirely alter the pH of the substrate and be really harmful. You don’t need to feed them frequently at all, but as a rule of thumb, offer food every few days and then remove any uneaten food to avoid mold growth. 


It is a good idea to regularly monitor the food in the enclosure and add more as needed. Ensure that you always have a small, shallow dish of water available. The dish needs to be easy to access, but not too deep as it will be a risk for drowning. You should clean the water often, keeping it fresh for your little critters.


3. These Bugs Don’t Require Much Handling

multiple pill bugs crawling over dirt
Four pillbugs in the mud. Image Credit: Growing Spaces


While pillbugs aren’t the type of animal you handle frequently, they make great pet bugs for beginners. You can interact with these critters by: 


  • Handling them gently: If you must handle your pillbugs, make sure you do so gently. They are very delicate little critters and can be easily injured. Use your fingers or a very soft brush to move them and avoid grabbing them.


  • Observing their behaviors: Spend time observing your pillbugs to learn about their behaviors and how they interact with each other. This can be a very cool and rewarding experience and help you understand their needs.


  • Maintaining their habitat: Make sure that you check the enclosure as often as possible for cleanliness and ensure that it is suitable for your pillbugs at all times. Remove any waste or moldy food to maintain a clean and healthy environment.


4. Pillbugs Offer Enrichment and Entertainment as Pets

brown pillbug walking over green leaf
A pillbug on a leaf. Image Credit: ThoughtCo


Keeping pillbugs has many benefits, such as: 


  • Educational opportunities: Pillbugs serve a very cool educational purpose. Watching their unique behaviors such as rolling into a ball and burrowing can be both super entertaining and enlightening. This is even more so true for children who are currently learning about biology and ecosystems.


  • Low-maintenance pet ownership: Compared to many other types of pets, pillbugs have minimal care requirements. They don’t need daily feeding, and keeping their enclosure clean is easy. This makes them perfect for people who have busy schedules or kids who are enjoying their first taste of pet care.


  • Free compost: Pillbugs play a massive role in decomposition and nutrient cycling. So, by keeping them, you get free compost that’s great for growing pet-safe plants!


Watching pillbugs move about and interact within their environment can also be very soothing. Their slow yet deliberate movements provide a very calming effect and can be a stress-relief tool for pet owners.


Fun Facts About Pillbugs

pillbug walking over rocks
A pillbug up close. Image Credit: North Country Public Radio


Pillbugs have some fascinating traits that make them even more interesting! These critters:   


  • Have a unique defense mechanism: A pillbug can roll into a little tight ball as a defense mechanism, which is where its nickname “roly-poly” comes from. This interesting defense behavior helps protect them from predators.


  • Are not true bugs: Despite what their name suggests, pillbugs are not true bugs. They are technically crustaceans, which means they’re related to lobsters and crabs.


  • Rely on gills: Pillbugs have gills for respiration, which means they need a humid environment to survive. If their habitat dries out, they can suffocate.


What’s more, unlike many insects that have six legs, pillbugs have fourteen legs. Isn’t that absolutely crazy?!




Nikita Hillier
byNikita Hillier

Nikita is a huge animal lover who has grown up on a farm with many different animals, from dogs and cats to horses and cows! She has a lot of experience in the equine industry and is even in the process of studying for an internationally accredited Equine Sports Massage Certificate! In her spare time, she enjoys writing and spending time with her beloved animals!