Can You Keep a Pet Blunthead Slug Snake?

The blunthead slug snake is a weird-looking snake with a friendly personality, but do they really make good pets? Let’s get into what you should know before getting bluntheaded snakes.

Feb 23, 2025byLisa Szymanski

can you keep pet blunthead slug snake


The blunthead slug snake is a mysterious reptile that has captured the attention of seasoned snake keepers across the world. These curious snakes have a very short snout with bulging eyes and grow to quite a fair size at 60 cm (23 inches) in length. While many wish to own these non-venomous snakes as pets, they’re quite rare finds. Before you decide to bring one of these animals home, this guide explains what you should know about keeping a pet blunthead slug snake.


Blunthead Slug Snakes Are Delicate and Calm

snake tongue sticking out
A bluntheaded snake with its tongue out. – Credit: Thai National Parks


The blunthead slug snake is easily distinguished by its boxy nose, patterned body, and large eyes. Known as an Aplopeltura boa, the bluntheaded snake is part of the family Pareidae. You’ll find them in shades of green and brown with white patches. The body is slender and flattened, and the head is usually lighter in color than the tail and midsection. If you look closely at the eye, the bluntheaded snake has incredibly large pupils that you won’t typically find in such slim and small snakes. It is docile and non-venomous and will rarely bite, even when it feels threatened. These snakes would rather curl up into a ball than show any sign of aggression.


The slug eater is a gentle reptile that should not be handled too often, as it can get easily spooked. Spending quality time with your pet could help them get accustomed to handling. The goal is to make the reptile feel relaxed, and because these snakes tend to be shy, they should be treated with patience and respect.


These Snakes Eat Slugs and Snails

snake against black backdrop
A bluntheaded snake against a black background. – Credit: Hong Kong Snake ID


As the name suggests, the Aplopeltura boa feeds exclusively on slugs and snails. It may be hard to believe that a snake could only live on garden pests, but these boas have a unique ability. The bluntheaded snake is equipped to feed on molluscs because they have flexible, hook-like jaws that extract snails from their shells. Their needle-like teeth perform a saw-like motion to help them consume their prey.


The bluntheaded slug snake is a nocturnal reptile from Southeast Asia. They move about the cool and moist forest floor in search of slugs and snails.. To keep these snakes comfortable, you’ll need to stock up on snails because they don’t eat the rodents that pythons and corn snakes are fed.


These Snakes Enjoy Climbing

coiled snake on leaf
A coiled bluntheaded snake. – Credit: Thai National Parks


Bluntheaded slug eaters prefer to spend their time in dense bushes and forests where they can hide among leaves and fallen debris. These reptiles are partially arboreal, which means they can climb trees. Their slim bodies allow them to balance on thin branches and move in between shrubs with ease. In addition to sheltered spaces, the Aplopeltura boa enjoys a fair amount of moisture.


If you decide to keep one as a pet, it’s important to recreate their natural habitat. For a snake this size, it’s best to provide them with an enclosure of 120 cm in length (47.24 inches) and 60 cm (23.62 inches) in height. Add branches as a form of enrichment and include hides where these snakes can take shelter throughout the day.


Blunthead Snakes Aren’t Especially Active

snake being held
A snake being held. – Credit: ZooChat


The blunthead slug snake is slow-moving, so don’t expect an overly active pet should you decide to get one. They prefer to move around at night and perform interesting poses when they’re wrapped around a branch or checking out a snail.


You can easily handle slug snakes, but when they start squirming, they’re feeling uncomfortable. Their tendency to curl up when stressed is part of their death-feigning behavior. While other snake species, such as the Eastern hognose snake, will excrete a foul-smelling musk to ward off threats, the slug eater acts differently. They will lie with their bellies upwards and remain still until the threat leaves.


Considered one of the cutest snakes, it might be hard not to handle them! For any reptile that might not be used to handling, take your time to make them feel safe and secure. A few minutes spent with them outside of their enclosure is all it takes to ease these snakes into their new home.


It’s Legal to Keep Blunthead Slug Snakes

snake crawling on leaves
A snake traveling between leaves. – Credit: Animalia


It is legal to own the Aplopeltura boa; however, these snakes are extremely hard to come by. It’s not the sort of reptile you can find in a regular pet store, and when searching online for a supplier, you must exercise caution. Only deal with reputable pet snake suppliers who legally source their reptiles. In some cases, you can purchase or adopt these slug eaters from reptile breeders or keepers who want to rehome their pets.


The bluntheaded snake stems from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. To ensure that you receive this species as a pet, it is important to learn how to identify them. The blunthead slug snake has a very stout head with large eyes and a mottled color. Similar slug-eating species have striped eyes or longer snouts, so don’t be fooled by sellers when looking to purchase bluntheaded snakes as pets.


Why Own a Blunthead Slug Snake

snake on branch
A blunthead slug eater on a log. – Credit: Hong Kong Snake ID


Blunthead slug eaters are friendly snakes that can quickly adapt to live in captivity. They enjoy handling once they’re comfortable in their environment, but, as noted, if they feel threatened, they will turn belly-up and lie motionless. In addition to their gentle personalities, these snakes have an unusual appearance that makes them attractive to many reptile keepers. Their short noses and bulging eyes are peculiar but also desirable exotic features in the reptile industry.


The blunthead snake is a favorable pet, and while you can legally own one, they are rare. A fair amount of research and contacting reputable reptile suppliers in your region can help you find a true blunthead slug snake.




Lisa Szymanski
byLisa Szymanski

Lisa is a wildlife enthusiast who enjoys hiking and gardening and has four years of experience volunteering at pet shelters. She is the proud mom of two dogs, a Pitbull named Ragnar, a Boerboel named Blueberry, and four feisty chickens, or as she calls them, the \"queens of the yard,\" Goldie, Gray, Peaches, and Brownie.