Can House Pets Get the Flu?

While house pets can get the flu, their strains are not normally those of humans.

Mar 19, 2025byMaya Keith

can house pets get the flu


While your household companions can get the flu, it isn’t exactly the virus that keeps you in bed for a week every winter. The flu that most pets get is not zoonotic, meaning it cannot come from or be sent to humans.


This differs depending on your pet, and the specific strain of the virus they have. While there are rare cases of the viruses mutating to spread to humans, oversight and prevention have done a great job of limiting these.


Influenza Basics Explained

golden retriever mix laying down
A golden retriever mix lays on the floor – Image Credit: Bruno Cervera on Pexels


Influenza is an incredibly contagious respiratory sickness caused by specific viruses.


According to the CDC, Influenza A viruses are the only ones known to cause flu pandemics. There are several different types of Influenza A viruses, with each subtype affecting different groups of animals and requiring different approaches to prevent their spread.


As a respiratory illness, the viruses are usually spread through tiny water droplets in the air. When these are breathed in and the host does not have an immunity against the virus, they will almost certainly get sick.


Because flu is caused by viruses, it cannot be treated with antibiotics. They are already more difficult to target than bacteria, and antiviral medication can cause mutations that render vaccinations useless.


Different Types of Type A Influenza

chicken flock in coop
A flock of chickens in the coop – Image Credit: Brett Jordan on Pexels


Influenza A viruses are distinguished by two different proteins and their subtypes. Each subtype has its own makeup, and therefore requires a different vaccination (if there is one).


Hemagglutinin (H) with 18 subtypes and neuraminidase (N) with 11 different subtypes. This is why you hear the viruses referred to as “H#N#” whenever they make headlines.


For example, influenza A(H1N1) refers to Swine Flu, which had its own 2009 pandemic and remains as one of the strains that cause seasonal flu in humans. Canine influenza is caused by influenza A(H3N2), while cats can contract different kinds of avian influenza strains like influenza A(H5N1).


Symptoms of Flu in House Pets

ruflfled cat stares at camera
Ruffle cat stares at camera – Image Credit: Iqbal farooz on Pexels


Flu symptoms in pets are similar to the ones we have, but their viruses are not seasonal (meaning their chances are equal year-round).


Mild cases of the flu seem like a cold and may involve a runny nose and some discharge. Your pet may be sneezing or coughing periodically, and they might not be as active as normal. If they have a fever, they might shiver or have a warm, dry nose or ears that are warm to the touch.


In more severe cases, your pet may have labored breathing or extreme lethargy. They might not eat or drink as much, going as far as to refuse food completely.


Some pets can carry and spread the virus without any outward signs.


How to Treat Flu in House Pets

chihuahua lays on fluffy white bed
A chihuahua sleeps on a fluffy white bed – Image Credit: Mister Mister on Pexels


Flu symptoms in pets are similar to a lot of deadly respiratory illnesses, such as URIs in cats or distemper or Kennel Cough in dogs. It’s best to take them to the vet at the first sign of illness to rule out more serious conditions.


Even if your pet only has the flu, your vet can prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories to alleviate pain in their nasal passage or throat. While there are no antiviral agents approved to treat any pet-specific flu strains, most pets make a full recovery in about 2 to 3 weeks with little cause for concern.


At home, it’s important you keep them clean, comfortable, and away from other animals. You don’t need to bathe them daily, but make sure you wipe away any snot or discharge around their nose or eyes. Give them access to fresh water, and make sure they keep a healthy appetite.


If they turn their nose up as food, you might need to offer something more appealing. Soak their kibble with warm water, buy a few cans of wet food, or boil some chicken and rice to keep them fed.


Because flu is so contagious and affects each animal differently, your vet may recommend vaccination, especially if flu is rampant in your area.


When Your Pet’s Flu is an Emergency

dog with IV
A dog connected to an IV line – Image Credit: on Pexels


While the flu itself isn’t an emergency, it can cause emergency situations. Contact your veterinarian if you have any concerns, big or small.


Sometimes symptoms evolve into bigger issues like:

  • Seizures 
  • Extreme lethargy or collapse
  • No eating or drinking for over 24 hours
  • Vomiting or severe diarrhea


Your veterinarian may prescribe additional medication to handle these symptoms or have your pet hospitalized for additional support. If they are hospitalized, your vet can monitor nutrition through a feeding tube and/or IV and act quickly if things turn south.


The flu can make it easier for bacteria to invade your pet’s respiratory tract and cause additional issues. If this happens, your vet will prescribe an anti-bacterial that should get them back to normal in no time at all.




Maya Keith
byMaya Keith

Maya is a lifelong animal lover. While she switched from studying veterinary medicine to English, she continues to help by fostering animals in her community. Her permanent residents include 3 dogs, 2 cats, 5 quail, 19 chickens, and a small colony of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches.