Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bananas?

Guinea pigs can eat one thin slice of banana a few times a week.

Jan 14, 2025byKatelynn Sobus

can guinea pigs eat bananas



For humans, bananas are considered a superfood. They’re high in key nutrients such as potassium, fiber, and vitamin C. They’re heart-healthy and aid in proper digestion. This may leave you wondering: Can guinea pigs eat bananas? 


Learn about the benefits and risks of bananas for guinea pigs below.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Bananas?

bananas spread out on brown background
Image Credit: Vanessa Loring on Pexels


You can feed your guinea pig one slice of banana as an occasional treat. However, bananas shouldn’t become a staple in their diet.


This is because bananas and other fruits are high in sugar. Too much sugar can cause health issues, including digestive problems and obesity in guinea pigs. 


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Banana Peels?

A half-peeled banana sliced into pieces
Image Credit: t_watanabe on Pixabay


One thing about guinea pigs is that they’re prone to digestive issues. While the banana fruit is good for guinea pigs, they should never eat the peel. Banana peels aren’t toxic, but they may contain toxic chemicals such as pesticides.


The bigger concern is that banana peels are tough to digest. They may lead to intestinal blockages and other digestive issues. Banana peels may also be difficult to chew and are a choking hazard for guinea pigs.


If your guinea pig just nibbles at a banana peel, they’ll likely be just fine. If they’ve eaten a large amount of the peel, call your nearest exotic pet veterinarian for help.


Pros and Cons of Bananas for Guinea Pigs

Close-up of a guinea pig being cuddled
Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons


Bananas are okay for guinea pigs to eat in small amounts, and they can even be beneficial! However, too much of anything can cause problems, and bananas have their downsides too. Let’s explore them below.


Vitamins and Nutrients

Bananas are good sources of:

  • Vitamin C
  • Potassium
  • Fiber


Guinea pigs need all of the above in their diets, but this role should be fulfilled by their daily vegetables, hay, and pellets. Please don’t feed bananas as a primary source of vitamin C for your guinea pigs, as this can lead to weight gain, digestive issues, and other health problems. Better sources of vitamin C include bell pepper, kale, cilantro, and other vegetables.


In addition, a guinea pig fed unlimited grass hay shouldn’t need bananas for fiber. It’s just a plus that this sweet treat is also healthy!


A Sweet Treat

A black guinea pig with a flower on their head
Image Credit: Livia Novakova from Pixabay


Of course, the second benefit of bananas is that guinea pigs find them tasty. They’re a great occasional treat, especially if you’re trying to get on your piggy’s good side during a nail trim or right after adopting them.


That said, not all guinea pigs like bananas. If yours turns up their nose at bananas, try a different fruit, such as a strawberry or apple slice. And if your piggy doesn’t like fruit at all, that’s okay! Fruit is only a treat, not an essential part of a guinea pig’s diet.


Digestive Issues

guinea pig self grooming
Image by freepik

A downside to bananas for guinea pigs is that too many can cause digestive issues. Typically this will consist of mild stomach upset with symptoms such as a tummy ache, tiredness, or changes in their poops.


Less often, guinea pigs who eat too much banana may suffer more serious consequences. This is especially likely if they’ve eaten a lot of bananas–more than just a few slices.


Sugary foods can cause bloat in guinea pigs, which is often deadly. If you see your piggy hunched over with a swollen abdomen, rush them to the vet. Other symptoms include lethargy, restlessness, and pain.


GI stasis is another common health problem in guinea pigs. This is when a guinea pig’s digestive system slows down or stops functioning completely. If your guinea pig stops eating or pooping for a number of hours, get them to the vet immediately.


Keeping an eye on your guinea pig and acting quickly can be life-saving in these situations.


High Sugar Levels

A guinea pig standing with its front legs on someone's hand
Valderifs, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Bananas and other fruits can contain high sugar levels that cause health issues. One of the top concerns for guinea pigs who eat a lot of bananas is obesity, which can lead to a shortened lifespan and other health concerns.


As we discussed above, too much sugar can also lead to deadly health conditions such as bloat. High sugar levels can also contribute to diabetes in guinea pigs.


Banana Peels

Lastly, banana peels pose a hazard as they’re difficult to chew, swallow, and digest. Keep banana peels out of reach and only feed the banana fruit itself to your guinea pigs.


If your guinea pig does get a hold of a banana peel and eats it, call your vet for help. Never try to induce vomiting if your guinea pig eats something they shouldn’t, as guinea pigs cannot vomit!


The Best Daily Diet for Guinea Pigs

three guinea pigs eating
Photo by Pixabay


Eating bananas every day is too much for a guinea pig. So, what can they eat? Here are some better options when it comes to fresh produce:

  • Lettuces – Romaine, red leaf, green leaf, and more. Avoid iceberg lettuce as it’s not very nutritious.
  • Bell pepper – A great source of vitamin C, regardless of color
  • Fresh herbs – Parsley and cilantro are great options!
  • Other dark, leafy greens


Remember that 80% of a guinea pig’s diet should consist of fresh grass hay such as timothy hay or orchard grass. They should never be without it, even for short periods. Guinea pigs have very fast metabolisms and are always eating and pooping! The fiber in hay keeps their guts moving.


Guinea pigs should also eat ⅛ cup of timothy-based guinea pig pellets each day. This provides any nutrients that may be missing from their daily diet. When choosing a guinea pig pellet, look for plain brown pieces–no colorful dyes, dried fruit, seeds, or other additives.


Other Fun Treats for Guinea Pigs

guinea pig and apple on white background
Image Credit: ELG21 on Pixabay


Is your guinea pig tired of bananas already, or would you like to give them more treats to try? The best treats for guinea pigs are fruits and vegetables. Consider trying:

  • Carrot
  • Apple (without core, stem, or seeds)
  • Strawberry
  • Blueberry
  • Raspberry
  • Blackberry


Remember to feed sugary foods in low quantities and only a couple of times a week. If you’re looking for treats to feed more often, consider using part of their daily vegetables or pellets as rewards. These are a great choice if you’re trying to teach your guinea pig tricks or feeding them by hand for bonding purposes.

Katelynn Sobus
byKatelynn Sobus

Katelynn Sobus is a pet writer of six years who’s written everything from product reviews to care guides. She’s also a lifelong pet owner who cared for cats, dogs, and various small pets. She currently lives in Michigan with seven senior rescue cats.