The Black Forest Hound: Germany’s Unique Hunting Dog Breed

The Black Forest Hound is not a well-known hound, but is an impressive dog built to hunt wild boar. Learn more about Germany’s unique hunting dog breed.

Oct 9, 2024byHolly Ramsey

black forest hound


This tenacious hound is naturally wary of strangers and not easily intimidated but easy to train, making them excellent watchdogs. The Black Forest Hound is known by many names including Slovak Hound, Slovensky Kopov, and Slovakian Hound. Bred to hunt wild boar, these hounds are strong-willed and ready to take on a challenge. 


What is the Black Forest Hound

black forest hound standing on leash
Black Forest Hound standing on leash – Image credit: Wikipedia


The Black Forest Hound is a scent hound that was developed solely to hunt wild boar, although they are sometimes used for other large games. They have even been used as police dogs in some European countries. They need consistent training with a firm hand or they can become bull-headed and unruly. 


Unlike the Bluetick Coonhound, the Black Forest Hound is not a large hound, standing only 18 inches at the withers and weighing around 40 pounds, but they are confident, tenacious hunters with amazing stamina. The Black Forest Hound has amazing scenting abilities and can track their prey for miles. 


When at home, these dogs are laid-back, devoted to their families, and affectionate with those they know. Generally, they are good with other dogs but should be closely monitored if there are other small animals in the home. These hounds are naturally wary of strangers and will seem standoffish when they meet someone new. 


Temperament of the Black Forest Hound

face of black forest hound
Face of a Black Forest Hound – Image credit: Pinterest


Tenacious and dedicated, these dogs are typical scent hounds and do need plenty of exercise. When on the trail, the Black Forest Hound will follow its prey for hours without resting. At home, they can quickly become couch potatoes and laze around the house. If under-exercised, though, this breed can become impatient and destructive


Best known for their amazing sense of direction, they can easily traverse dense landscapes following a scent and still know exactly where to find their owners when the trail goes cold. These dogs do form strong bonds with their owners and will become protective of their home.


While most hunting dogs are raised in packs, the Black Forest Hound will only tolerate other dogs, preferring to work independently. They will try to assert their dominance over other dogs, especially of the same gender. Early socialization is essential for these hounds to become well-rounded members of a family. 


Maintenance of the Black Forest Hound

black forest hound running through grass
Black Forest Hound running through the grass – Image credit:


Generally low maintenance, the Black Forest Hound only needs to be brushed once or twice each week with a bristle brush to remove loose hair and dirt from their short coat. They do not need to be bathed often and over-bathing can cause skin issues. 


When used for hunting, thoroughly go over your dog to check for external parasites, scrapes, or any other anomaly on their body. Hunting dogs will wear their nails down and not need them trimmed often. Check their nails for breaks or cracks at least once a month and clean their ears once a week.


How to Find a Black Forest Hound

black forest hound puppies on brick walkway
Black Forest Hound puppies on brick walkway – Image credit: Slovensky Kopov


There are not many Black Forest Hounds living in the United States and Canada, but people are starting to take an interest in these rare breed hounds. It might be tricky to find a breeder within the United States or even Canada, but you can always check with the American Kennel Club’s Marketplace or the United Kennel Club (UKC) breeder referral on their website to find a breeder. You can always go overseas and import a Black Forest Hound from Germany or Slovakia. It might take a bit of patience and a lot of research before you find a Black Forest Hound to add to your family. 


One of the best-known breeders of the Black Forest Hound is the Slovensky Kopov Lohyna Kennel located in Slovakia. They produce Black Forest Hounds from working bloodlines, meaning these dogs are used for the purpose they were bred; to hunt wild boar. Stefan Pavelka and Zuzana Pavelkova are the proud owners of Slovensky Kopov Lohyna Kennels and they have produced some of the top working Black Forest Hounds. 


black forest hound in the yard photo
Black Forest Hound in the yard – Image credit: Slovensky Kopov


For those interested in the Black Forest Hound, they are commonly referred to as Slovensky Kopov and have been accepted into the American Kennel Club’s Foundation Stock Service (AKC FSS). This means they are one step away from becoming a fully recognized AKC breed that can compete in all AKC-sanctioned events. The Black Forest Hound is the only scent hound was adopted as the national dog breed of Slovakia. 


The Black Forest Hound has a black coat with tan markings and some people may mistake them for the Black and Tan Coonhound. The Black Forest Hound was bred to hunt wild boar, therefore, they must have a tenacious attitude and extreme stamina to track boar through the underbrush. If you are looking for an interesting hound to add to your family, consider the Black Forest Hound. But, be prepared to have to wait for a puppy; there are not many breeders in the United States or Canada.




Holly Ramsey
byHolly Ramsey

Holly is a 2nd generation dog breeder/trainer and has over 25 years of experience with several different breeds. She enjoys working with her Japanese Chin and Rough Collies and helping her mom and daughter with their chosen breeds. Most evenings, Holly is hanging out with her daughter watching movies, crafting, or playing with the fur-kids.