The last thing anyone wants to experience when handling their pet reptile is a painful bite. Yet, in some instances, this behavior is inevitable. There are certain reptiles that react more aggressively than others when they’re stressed or threatened. Whether they feel unsafe or uncomfortable while handled, certain species of snakes and lizards strike to make you aware of their annoyance or discomfort. To help you pick the best cold-blooded companions, this guide explores the five reptiles that can bite.
1. Ball Python Bites Feel Like Pinpricks
The ball python is one of the most popular pet snakes because it is beautiful and has quite a friendly temperament. But don’t let its looks deceive you! While ball pythons don’t mind being handled, these snakes can and will bite when stressed. Although not an aggressive snake, their long and hook-shaped teeth can inflict quite a bit of damage if they decide to strike.
Most accidents happen when ball pythons are poorly handled by their owners. Avoid any form of squeezing or forcing snakes into a particular position. If the snake is not used to handling, take them out of their enclosure for a couple of minutes every day. Allow the snake to move freely over your arm or hands, and gently guide them so they get accustomed to touch. If you’re new to reptile keeping, you can always ask more experienced python keepers or reptile pet stores for advice on taming snakes.
2. Iguanas Have Sharp Teeth and Strong Jaws
Pet iguanas can bite, and although rare, they will clamp down when they’re ill or stressed. A bite from a large iguana is very unpleasant because these lizards have such powerful jaws. In addition to biting, territorial iguanas will use their long and sharp claws to defend their space and mates. You can avoid a nasty experience with a pet iguana by socializing them and minimizing handling during shedding.
The key to raising a friendly pet lizard is frequent handling and a fair amount of patience. Include enrichment items for your iguana to prevent boredom and stress, and ensure that their enclosure is spacious enough to accommodate their size. If iguanas don’t have the space and freedom to move and climb, they will become stressed, which increases the risk of getting scratched or bitten. It is also a good idea to wash your hands before and after handling pet reptiles to avoid contact with bacteria.
3. Boa Constrictors May Coil While Biting
Most pet boas are described as docile and quite easy to handle, but if they aren’t tame and they become stressed, they will bite. Not only will they strike, but they may coil around your hand or arm after delivering a blow. The easiest way to avoid becoming a victim of a constrictor is to treat your pet reptile with care and respect. Support their body while holding them and always be patient as you build a bond with your pet reptile.
Constrictors can suffer from reptile diseases such as scale rot, which causes painful lesions on their skin. Touching them is tricky, and they may bite unprovoked because of the discomfort. If you suspect that your reptile is sick, they should see a specialized exotic vet.
4. Hognose Snakes May Bite When Threatened
The hognose snake is easily identified by its upturned snout, and while they’re common pets for experienced and inexperienced keepers, they can bite. While hognose snake bites are almost unheard of, it’s not impossible. Holding the snake too tightly, using the wrong grip, or handling it while anxious or sick will increase the risk of being bitten. Because hognoses have a small amount of venom, the bite can be quite uncomfortable but is not life-threatening. They only use the venom to subdue small prey such as mice; however, the hognose snake rarely bites and is an excellent choice of pet.
5. Bearded Dragons Rarely Bite (But Can!)
While some might disagree, bearded dragons can bite if they want to. Although it is rare to have a beardie clamp down on your fingers, if they feel threatened, biting is their defense mechanism. Most beardies are socialized early, so keepers find calm pets that are familiar with handling. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pay attention to the signs that your pet lizard is uncomfortable. Behaviors such as retreating, puffing up, and hissing should indicate that something is wrong.
A bearded dragon has acrodont teeth, which are located in the biting part of the jaw. These small, triangular-shaped teeth may not cause severe injuries, but they are certainly uncomfortable to deal with. Paying attention to the well-being of your pet bearded dragon and providing enrichment activities will prevent stress and bites.
What to Do After a Reptile Bite
If you are bitten by a pet snake or lizard and the skin is punctured, wash the wound with soap and water and reach out to a medical provider. In cases of severe bites or symptoms such as headaches or intense pain, always visit the hospital to be assessed by a doctor. Some wounds may need stitches, and if you aren’t updated on your tetanus shots, you’ll need this in addition to wound cleaning.
Don’t try to handle large and powerful reptiles alone. If you’re moderately experienced, have someone help you when you need to move or handle strong snakes and lizards that have the potential to bite.