Are Seahorses Good for Beginner Fish Keepers?

Pet seahorses aren’t ideal for beginner fish keepers because they have complex care needs, and owners must follow a rigorous care routine.

Mar 12, 2025byTanya Taylor

are seahorse good for beginner fish keepers


Owning seahorses is incredibly rewarding, but caring for them takes time and dedication. They also have specific care needs that some newbies may struggle to provide. To learn whether you would enjoy keeping a pet seahorse, take a look at the facts below. 


Seahorses Generally Aren’t Recommended for Beginners 

aquarium seahorse
An aquarium seahorse. Photo Credit: yao oo on Unsplash


Seahorses aren’t ideal for beginner fish keepers because they are more complicated to care for than regular fish. That said, keeping seahorses has never been easier, so if you’re willing to invest the time into caring for these creatures, you have many resources available. You should never get them on a whim and must carefully research their care needs and set up requirements. As a first-time fish owner, you should start small with a hardy, captive-bred species. 


It’s better to start a new setup for seahorses because it’s hard to get the parameters right in an existing aquarium. They like to move up and down, so tank height is crucial. You need a depth of at least 24 inches. Keeping seahorses can be challenging for beginners because they need perfect water conditions. Keeping the water clean is difficult because they produce so much waste. Seahorses are also more prone to skin infections because they don’t have scales. 


Seahorses Aren’t Like Your Standard Aquarium Fish

seahorse group
Brown and white seahorses. Photo Credit: David Clode on Unsplash


The seahorse, or Hippocampus, is a bony fish with around 40 species. Each has unique care needs and the same anatomy as fish, such as a swim bladder and gills. Scientists believe seahorses are less evolved because their gills aren’t as efficient. They also have an incredibly basic digestive system. They need lots of food because they digest it quickly and produce lots of waste.


Seahorses live for between one and five years and usually grow five to eight inches tall. They don’t have scales; they have an exoskeleton covered in skin-like tissue. Seahorses are terrible swimmers. Their tiny dorsal fin can wave up to 50 times a minute but doesn’t propel them much. What they lack in speed and stamina, they make up for in their range of movement. They can swim forward, backward and up and down effortlessly. They move tactically, and this helps them ambush prey. Most seahorses are saltwater species, but some live in brackish water.


Seahorses Need Very Specialized Water Parameters

yellow white seahors
A yellow and white seahorse. Photo Credit: Brendan Beale on Unsplash


Seahorses need pristine water conditions, which is challenging for a first-time aquarium owner because they produce a lot of waste. You must test their aquarium water weekly, do a 25% water change every two to four weeks, and provide high-quality filtration. Seahorses also need well-oxygenated water and are weak swimmers, so they can’t handle a lot of flow in their tank. Seahorses need cool water, between 74 – 80F, so you may need a water chiller. They also need a minimum 30-gallon tank, plus 10 gallons per seahorse. 


Seahorses also need aquarium plants and decor to hold onto with their tail, including ropes, seagrass, or floating plastic chains. These creatures are carnivores, eat small crustaceans, and thrive on mysis shrimp, with baby brine shrimp as an occasional treat. You must feed them three to four times daily, with live or frozen food. Ideally, you should use a feeding station or drop the food directly in front of their mouths. 


The Best Tank Mates for Seahorses


pot bellied seahorse
A pot-bellied seahorse. Photo Credit: Oleksandr Sushko on Unsplash



Ideally, you should keep seahorses with their own species in a tank separate from other fish, especially if you’re new to fish keeping. Seahorses easily fall victim to tankmates, and it’s harder to maintain their water parameters in a multi-species tank. You must keep at least a pair because they are sociable creatures, and watching them interact may help reduce stress. Keep seahorses of the same sex unless you want lots of babies. It’s hard to identify the sex and species of baby seahorses, so always get them from a trusted supplier. 


Seahorses aren’t great with live coral – some types can harm them. You must research to see what types are compatible with your species. Advanced keepers sometimes keep seahorses with peaceful, small pet fish, such as gobies, firefish, and invertebrates, such as snails. 


The Best Pet Seahorse Species

single seahorse
A lone seahorse. Photo Credit: Christian Bisbo Johnsen on Unsplash


The best pet seahorse for beginners is the lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus. It’s a hardy, adaptable species with a huge personality, and they love interacting with their owners.


Here are some other common pest seahorse species:

  • Brazilian seahorse (Hippocampus reidi)
  • Tiger tail seahorse (Hippocampus comes)
  • Yellow seahorse (Hippocampus kuda)
  • Dwarf seahorse (Hippocampus zosterae)
  • Pot-bellied seahorse (Hippocampus abdominalis)
  • Giant seahorse (Hippocampus ingens)
  • Zebra-snout seahorse (Hippocampus barbouri)


Fascinating Facts About Seahorses

yellow seahorse
A yellow seahorse. Photo Credit: David Clode on Unsplash


Seahorses are captivating creatures, and in addition to their appearance, they are unique in many other ways. Take a look at these fascinating facts about seahorses:


  • They change color – Seahorses are masters of disguise and change color when they want to hide or due to stress, aggression, or mating rituals. Young seahorses change color so much it can sometimes be hard to identify their type and sex.


  • Males carry the babies – They have a front brood pouch and hold up to 1000 babies per clutch. Babies take nine to 45 days to hatch, and male seahorses give birth to fully formed fry.


  • Seahorses don’t chew – They suck food, like a vacuum, directly into their intestines, and they don’t have a typical stomach. 


  • Their eyes move independently – They can see in front and behind simultaneously, which helps keep them safe from predators. 


  • They are super interactive – Seahorses seem to recognize their owners and enjoy human interaction. They will willingly feed from your hand and hold onto your finger with their tail. 





Tanya Taylor
byTanya Taylor

Tanya is a trusted animal care professional and has devoted her life to animals. In her 25-year career, she’s worked with all kinds of creatures in many environments, including three years caring for small animals as a veterinary nursing assistant and five years birthing down racehorses. \n\nShe is an expert farm and dog sitter - and has spent many hours volunteering at her local pony sanctuary. Tanya is originally from Liverpool in the UK, but now she lives in Ibiza, Spain, with her cheeky red terrier Leo and three Leopard tortoise hatchlings, Ninja, Tiny, and Orwell.